Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Trænere og klubbens ledelse

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Visca El Barca » referer til nogle kommentarer, som faldt for snart 2 år siden, men det er interessant at se at Tito er markant hårdere i sin tone, når talen falder på Oversætteren og Real, end Pep var og har været. Eller rettere sagt, Tito var markant hårdere, nu ved vi ikke, hvordan han vil agere fremover. Han stikker til ham endda, med nogle af sine kommentarer. Måske var der mere bag det øjeprik end som så. Det virkede i hvert fald som om det var planlagt, og han udmærket godt viste, hvem "offeren" skulle være. Måske var det på grund af disse kommentarer?.
'Mourinho is a football coach who never talks about football' - Vilanova
The soon-to-be Barca coach slammed his Blancos counterpart for his negative approach in an interview in November 2010, and claims the Portuguese is hungry for attention
May 3, 2012 12:45:00 PM

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho had a fierce rivalry with Pep Guardiola throughout the latter's period in charge of Barcelona, but there was never much love lost between the Portuguese boss and Barca assistant Tito Vilanova either.

Much of the tension between the duo goes back to the infamous eye-poking incident earlier this season in the Spanish Supercopa, but Vilanova, who enjoys a close relationship with Guardiola, had previously criticised Mourinho shortly before the Blaugrana's 5-0 win over Madrid at Camp Nou in the winter of 2010.

"It cannot be that a coach says each week whatever he wants and when someone answers him, he jumps on top of them. In the end, Mourinho is a football coach who never talks about football, and we don't like that," Vilanova stated to La Vanguardia in 2010.

"Mourinho's teams try to have six players, four defenders and two defensive midfielders, who are very tight at the back, who are usually physical footballers. And the four in front of them peel off and wait. You can't expect Mourinho's teams to be aesthetically pleasing or for them to play really well."

Vilanova also slammed the Madrid boss for his tendency to be the centre of attention, and criticised the Santiago Bernabeu side for their spending culture.

"It's not good when coaches are such protagonists. I can only understand that a coach wants more attention because he hasn't experienced the sensation that the players go through. He would like to be a footballer because he was never one.

"Madrid have always had great players. It's normal with the investment they have made. It's the biggest outlay in history. They have signed the players they wanted and more. They have spent more than double what we have spent. But there is nothing in their play that appeals to me."

Vilanova will officially take the reigns at Camp Nou on July 1 when Guardiola's contract ends on June 30. ... t-football
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 10117
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Kubala »

Visca El Barca referer til nogle kommentarer, som faldt for snart 2 år siden, men det er interessant at se at Tito er markant hårdere i sin tone, når talen falder på Oversætteren og Real, end Pep var og har været. Eller rettere sagt, Tito var markant hårdere, nu ved vi ikke, hvordan han vil agere fremover. Han stikker til ham endda, med nogle af sine kommentarer. Måske var der mere bag det øjeprik end som så. Det virkede i hvert fald som om det var planlagt, og han udmærket godt viste, hvem "offeren" skulle være. Måske var det på grund af disse kommentarer?.
"Mourinho's teams try to have six players, four defenders and two defensive midfielders, who are very tight at the back, who are usually physical footballers. And the four in front of them peel off and wait. You can't expect Mourinho's teams to be aesthetically pleasing or for them to play really well."

Ja, Visca du har fat i noget, altså at øjeprikkeri måske kunne tyde på at være planlagt, når man har disse udtalelser i baghovedet. Dertil referer Tito til Reals spil, som jeg synes, at han rammer nogenlunde plet, på dette område, altså at de spiller med 6 mænd i bagkæden og man ser fire spillere som "fisker", hvor det så resulterer i mål. Jeg har også siddet og tænkt, da de spillede især mod Bayern at de ikke rigtigt kunne agere, og var lidt lammet, når nu de skulle skabe noget fremad, og de blev først rigtig farlige, da Bayern ville noget og Bayern fejlede i deres forsøg, altså at Bayern var desorganiseret. Men disse tendenser har jeg set gennem hele sæsonen, og især mod hold, der kunne true Real, og i visse tilfælde var de mindre hold, som Real spillede sådan overfor.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Vilanova will this month hold personal talks with the captains and some other players to explain his ideas and their role next season. [as]
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 12448
Tilmeldt: søn sep 24, 2006 2:00 am
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Brombi »

Former Girona (2nd div) coach Raul Agne (41) is also a candidate to become the assistant of future coach Tito Vilanova next season. [md]
Gad vide hvem der bliver hans assistent..

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

The Mister of Bellcaire
Posted at: 06:35 on Thursday, May 10, 2012 Category: News Written by: doris86pl
The Mister of Bellcaire

In a recent article published in Catalan paper El Periodico, writer Ferran Cosculluela explores the origins of Barcelona’s new coach, Tito Vilanova. The following is translation of the article, the original can be found here.

Bellcaire d’Empordà has won the jackpot. Only in that way can you describe the media interest that has arisen in recent days in this small town of 660 residents. Newspapers, television and radio have all come through this quiet town, located 6 kilometers from Escala. Bellcaire has won the football lottery, because there in 1969 Francesc Vilanova was born, Tito, the new team coach of FC Barcelona who will continue the work of the incredible Guardiola.

The father of the coach, Joaquim Villanueva, said that he didn’t know the news until it was made public by president Sandro Rosell at the same press conference where he announced that Pep Guardiola would not renew his contract. “My wife and I were setting the table for lunch and we remembered about Pep’s press conference. We watched it on TV and when Sandro said that Tito would be the new coach, we both exclaimed: ‘What!?!’. We stayed with our mouths open,” he recalls.

Tito’s father, known as Talla in Escala, has an agreement with his son to not tell him “anything that cannot be repeated.” A good tip that should be followed by many people. After hearing the good news, Joaquim Villanueva and his wife, who are already old enough to be retired, went to work, like any other day, in the shops they run in Escala and Estartit. An example of the humility and seriousness of this family.

Being overwhelmed by the press for more than a week, Vilanova’s father didn’t lose his good sense or good humor, and he accepted the invitation of two journalists from Quadern del Diumenge to talk about his famous son. “Well, if we want to keep talking, at least come in,” he invited. And the conversation continues in the same courtyard where Tito tortured neighbors with endless sessions of shots against the wall. “He spent hours kicking. And the poor neighbors never complained. Sometimes, after dinner he used to say ‘I’ll play for a while’, and spent two hours kicking the ball. He was obsessed with football, a very good boy, although a little hyperactive. I sometimes scolded: ‘leave the ball, that you can’t just play football”. He recalls the cold that he and his wife survived at the football fields when they brought the child to play his games.

Like any father, Joaquim cannot hide the pride he feels because of the appointment of his son. Tito Vilanova entered FC Barcelona’s La Masia when he was 13 and debuted in the first team in May 1989, in a friendly game in Banyoles in which he replaced – a thing of fate – Guardiola and that ended 2-6. With players who played in the same position such as Milla, Amor and Pep, it made it harder for him to debut and get a place in the first team. Some say that perhaps he lacked a little patience in waiting longer in the youth teams to get a spot in the First Division.

“It makes us really excited, but also we feel a little anxiety because it is a place of great responsibility. But the real news for us is that, if he accepted that, it is because the disease has gone,” says Joaquim, in reference to the tumor that was removed from Tito’s parotid gland last November.

The father of the future first team coach does not like to appear a lot in the press. He prefers work and discretion rather than photos and popularity. A shyness that was inherited by his son. Last summer, Tito Vilanova declined the offer made by mayor of Bellcaire, David Font, to organize a tribute event for him after Barcelona won La Liga and Champions League.

“He said that he had not done anything important and that there were other people like farmers or people who have been working their whole life and they deserve more praise. He is a humble person and embodies the values that for years he has been trying to instill young people with the sport,” says the mayor.
This does not mean that Tito forgot about the hometown he left when he was a child, as every summer he spent a few days there to rest.

Vilanova offered meetings or training sessions for children, says a countryman who is a little older than Tito, and once he invited several parents with their children to Barça’s training session so they could watch the players. “For kids it’s much more fun than when they’re watching a game,” says one enthusiastic father.

The new Barça coach has been a cule his whole life. This is another characteristic of his family. Joaquim Vilanova was a founder of the Penya Barcelonista de L’Escala 35 years ago. In addition to being mayor of Bellcaire for 12 years (1991-2003), Joaquim also presided over a good season for the football club of the town. Along with the teacher Jaume Hugas, who was the coordinator of the club, they implemented the great task of promoting the sport and educating boys with their values.

Tito Vilanova was one of those boys, though one day the mayor’s son disobeyed the coach’s instructions during a match. The manager asked the young Vilanova to stop trying to score and his task instead was to mark a dangerous player from the rival team. He did not listen and launched the attack. After the game came recriminations, and when the coach asked the boy why he had not followed his instructions, Tito’s honest answer cleared all anger: Tito’s mother promised to buy him a Barça shirt if he scored a goal.

The mayor is pleased that the appointment of Tito Vilanova highlighted the name of Bellcaire d’Empordà. A town which is proud of its restored castle from the thirteenth century and each year celebrates with the play “Flag of Catalonia”, which is the “essence” of the medieval history of this small town located in the foothills of the Massif Montgrí. “The appointment of Guardiola and Tito as the coach shows that you do not need to go abroad. It also embodies the values of work and the professionalism of Catalonia. They show that a way of understanding the sport is in this country,” says Font.

At a school in Bellcaire, twenty children between 6 and 7 years of age were playing in the yard. A makeshift soccer field where Tito Vilanova played during childhood, although he also studied at the Escala and Figueres before entering La Masia. All children know who their famous countryman is, which club he trains and even the reason that led him to take over as first team. “He will be the next coach because Guardiola retires,” says one of them, because of his young age, he sees the FC Barcelona coach as a very old person.

They are young but remember what Jose Mourinho said. “A person so discreet as Tito, doesn’t like the popularity he got because of the incident with Mourinho. He is quite the opposite,” says the mayor. “And for us, that aggression is a metaphor for the Catalan character: resist, even if someone puts their finger in your eye,” says Font, with his characteristic ease to turn sports events into political symbols. Jordi Pique said that Villanova was a “good kid” and had “good grades“, although as a student he was “a little shy.” A discreet character that is still one of Tito’s features: “when I meet him on the street he greet me and still continues talking with some timidity,” he explained. A feature of the character that is very important for the future Barcelona coach who will face a certain Portuguese manager in the future. ... z1uSwrPWdK
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Pruna (team doctor): "Tito is doing great. He's totally recovered after the surgery, free of any illness. A person like you and me, perfect"
Godt at høre han er helt rask.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Ja det er dejligt.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

New Barcelona coach Tito Vilanova, who'll sign a two-year contract, will probably be officially presented in the first week of June. [sport]
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Before he accepted the offer to become head coach, assistant coach Vilanova tried to convince Guardiola to continue for another season. [as]
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 17805
Tilmeldt: fre sep 23, 2005 2:12 pm
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af emo »

Laporta: “Choosing Tito [as the coach] is a decision caused by panic”
Hvis han fortsætter i denne dur, så er Laporta en jeg kommer til at synes mindre og mindre om. Klubben har åbenbart vidst at Pep ville stoppe siden oktober/november, hvorfor skulle det så være en panik løsning at vælge Tito og forblive i samme rammer som hidtil, rammer der har fungeret så godt for klubben.

Indlæg: 10723
Tilmeldt: ons dec 06, 2006 12:52 am
Geografisk sted: København
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af zqa »

Han er lige lovlig kritisk i øjeblikket.. Lidt synd, at vores tidligere og nuværende præsident er så meget efter hinanden..

Jeg ser dog heller ikke Tito som en "panik"-løsning. Tværtimod.

Indlæg: 15180
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 22, 2006 2:00 pm
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Lopezzz »

Men jeg er sikker på at Pep og Laporta er rigtig god venner og at Tito har bedre forhold til Laporta end til Rosell.

Indlæg: 2377
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 10, 2006 7:58 pm
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af klogfyr »

zqa skrev:Han er lige lovlig kritisk i øjeblikket.. Lidt synd, at vores tidligere og nuværende præsident er så meget efter hinanden..

Jeg ser dog heller ikke Tito som en "panik"-løsning. Tværtimod.
Enig, Laporta og Rosell er nødt til at droppe deres uvenskab, ihvertfald i pressen, det tjener ikke barca at de konstant prøver at sætte den anden i dårlig lys, men sådan er politik jo desværre.

Indlæg: 12448
Tilmeldt: søn sep 24, 2006 2:00 am
Har takket: 13 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af Brombi »

emo skrev:
Laporta: “Choosing Tito [as the coach] is a decision caused by panic”
Hvis han fortsætter i denne dur, så er Laporta en jeg kommer til at synes mindre og mindre om. Klubben har åbenbart vidst at Pep ville stoppe siden oktober/november, hvorfor skulle det så være en panik løsning at vælge Tito og forblive i samme rammer som hidtil, rammer der har fungeret så godt for klubben.

De har utvivlsomt prøvet at overbevise ham til det sidste - et eller andet sted har de vel troet på, at de kunne overbevise ham.

Indlæg: 17805
Tilmeldt: fre sep 23, 2005 2:12 pm
Geografisk sted: Fyn/Odense
Har takket: 367 gange
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Re: Francesc "Tito" Vilanova

Indlæg af emo »

Ja, det har de nok. Men så har de vel også som professionelle de er, haft et kort i baghånden siden han meldte ud at han kunne stoppe, og det har vel hele tiden været Tito, eller det meste af tiden. Nægter at tro at Tito poppede ind i ledelsens hoved et par dage før pressemødet. Og vil også mene at de næsten kunne vælge og vrage mellem de fleste trænere, hvem vil ikke træne Barca, så kan slet ikke følge at det skulle have været en panik løsning at ansatte Tito.


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