Seydou Keita

Diskussion vedr. spillere fra andre klubber

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Hotnuk »

Smukt. Virkelig smukt. Jeg ville ønske at alle andre end os barcafans fik læst det, så de kunne vide hvilket betydning alle spillere har på holdet, ikke bare Messi, Xavi, Iniesta osv.

Der har jo været rygter om at Keita skulle være på Bayerns ønskeliste til sommer. Det tror jeg simpelthen ikke kommer til at ske, og håber det selvfølgelig heller ikke :)


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Iraqi-Culé »

Langt interview med BarcaTV

How is the squad feeling as we approach the end of the season?
"Apart from Puyol and Abidal, we are in perfect condition at a crucial moment. We have the chance to win three titles and have a good lead on Real Madrid that we shall attempt to maintain or even stretch."

Is the international break a good moment to disconnect?
"Yes, sometimes it’s nice to stop and come back stronger. But we can’t stop completely because the most important part of the season is still to come. We can disconnect a bit but we have to work harder because the most important time is now arriving."

Is the word ‘treble’ a taboo? Would you be happy enough with two titles?
"No, we are footballers and our ambition is to win everything, but that’s easier said than done as we found out the first year. Now we have to do it again but there are lots of games still to go. The League is a season-long task, and the best team always wins, but the Cup and Champions League are won by the little things. But I have to say we are working hard, and with a little luck we can do big things."

You are the thirteenth player in the ranking of minutes played this season. That’s not as much as you played before. Is it enough for you?
"I am as ambitious as anyone and I want to play as much as I can, but I know I’m playing for the best team in the world. There are more than 11 players in a football team, and if the boss says I’m just playing 15 minutes, then I have to do the best I can. Sometimes we footballers can be a bit selfish, but I try to help my team-mates whether I play or not. I am there to help because if we end up winning, then everybody is happy."

Has Guardiola spoken to you?
"I have always said that I don’t like speaking to coaches and I made that clear to Pep at the start of the first season. I don’t see any reason to speak because I just want to play like any player and I know it’s not an easy job for the coach. Other players are playing more because they’re playing better. I have to accept that and work hard to make sure I’m in the right condition for when the boss does send me on. I believe in God and I know that I am in a more difficult situation than last season, but I’m still working and there are no problems. There is nothing to say to the manager because whatever changes he has made, the team is still winning.”

What do you think about Alves renewing?
"It is very important news for us because he’s a very good player and a great colleague. Dani is a player who encourages the squad by playing music, dancing, he’s a great lad."

Do you think there were any worries during the process?
"No, no (laughs). Dani never changes, he’s always cheerful."

Is it important to decide on these things to make the squad calm?
"Yes, it’s important for him and the team. This is the decisive period and it is important for everybody to have a cool head at times like these.”

What would you think about playing Madrid four times? Would you rather not play them that much?
"Well, we both have two games before that, so let’s see what happens. For now, it’s more important to worry about the first game ahead of us and take things as they come. There will be time later to think about Madrid. Although we have won the last clásicos, it won’t be easy to play them."

Have Madrid improved as the season has come on, and do you think they’ll play different in the next games?
"The 5-0 was the nicest game of the season for everybody, but I am sure Madrid will have changed because a result like that is never easy to accept. They’ll be tough games. But I don’t like talking about opponents, because our objective for now is to get six points from our next two games."

Is it more dangerous to play a Champions League quarter final against Shakhtar than a team with more pedigree in the competition?
"They’re a very difficult opponent. I still remember Monaco where we won in the last minute. They have a lot of Brazilians and it won’t be easy, but Barça always play to win."

You’ll be meeting up with Chygrynskiy again. Do you think people were unfair to him?
"'Dima is a great person and a great player, but it isn’t easy to play for Barcelona. The best players in the world are here and he didn’t have time to adapt to the language or style. But he’s a very good player."

You haven’t been scoring much in recent games. Why’s that?
"You get good and bad times in football. You can’t go a whole season winning three or four nil. When the difficult times come, you just have to do all you can to make sure you keep winning. Eventually things will change and the ball will start going in more easily."

You don’t like speaking about referees, but there are reasons to do so every week. Do you think that the kind of messages from opponents end up having an effect?
"No, when you’re top, the teams below you do all they can do disconcert you. We have no problem with that. We know referees are only human and can make mistakes. It doesn’t matter, we know it is us who get results, and as long as we do what the coach tells us, we have every chance of winning."

You are very close to Abidal. How is he?
"Fine. He and his family are going through difficult times but he’s as happy as ever. I was with him on the day of the operation and an hour before he went into the theatre he was making the same jokes as he always does. He’s an exceptional person, but I’m sure it’s not easy for him and so we and the fans are all here to help him."

His positive attitude has helped you do deal with his illness. Has such sad news actually been a motivator?
"There’s no doubt about that. The day he found out he phoned me at eleven in the evening and told me he had a problem. I said it sounded impossible. I was sad but he was fine. Then I said, look, if Eric’s OK, then I need to be OK as well and give him my support. It’s not good for him if I have my head down, and the same is true of the rest of the squad. We are all sad, but the day he came to see us, we told each other that we had to be happy and give all our support to a fantastic person."

Is it at times like this that you really feel the friendship and union in the squad?
“Look, I have played for lots of teams but the humility of this squad is completely unusual. I’m 31 years old and I can tell you that the humility of these players is incredible. For example, I remember the first year I was here, Juan Carlos Unzué’s father died and the whole team went to Navarra. I have never witnessed anything like that and it meant a lot. In all sections of the club there is remarkable humility."

How about Puyol? Do you think he can be back before the end of the season?
"We hope so because he’s an important player for the team. Look, I don’t like speaking to the media, but when I do, I only know how to say the truth and I can assure you he’s a wonderful man. He is working hard with the physios and we hope he’s back to help us soon."


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Vote4Pedro »

Han er nu en fantastisk spiller - naturligvis tung konkurence fra Xavi, Iniesta og Messi :)

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
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Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Despite the interest of other clubs, Seydou Keita (31) wants to stay at Barcelona and told his agent not to inform him about offers. [sport]
Er meget glad for at han vil blive.

Siempre Barca
Indlæg: 668
Tilmeldt: ons maj 11, 2011 2:53 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 21 gange
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Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Siempre Barca »

Hvordan ser I egentligt Keitas situation, hvis Cesc (og Sanchez) ankommer til klubben?

Indlæg: 18524
Tilmeldt: tors jan 25, 2007 9:50 pm
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Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Blaugrana92 »

Siempre Barca skrev:Hvordan ser I egentligt Keitas situation, hvis Cesc (og Sanchez) ankommer til klubben?
Sanchez har da ingen indflydelse? Han kommer jo næppe til at spille på midtbanen. Men hvis Cesc kommer tror jeg det kan blive svært for Keita at finde spilletid. Pep har godt nok vist utroligt stor tillid til Keita og også brugt ham meget, men med en Thiago og en Cesc i truppen, kan det godt blive svært. Heldigvis besidder Keita nogle spidskompetencer, som der ikke rigtigt er andre på midtbanen der har. Dybdeløbene, den taktisk stramme tilgang til spillet og en vanvittig adlyden - alt hvad Pep beder Keita om, vil han uden tvivl gøre. Dertil kommer hans rolle i omlædningsrummet, hvor han virker ekstremt vellidt og som en god personlighed at have - han er erfaren og det er tydeligt at han ikke har noget imod at påtage sig en faderrolle for nogle af de yngre, lidt som vi så Sylvinho gøre det. Så alt i alt tvivler jeg stærkt på at han bliver solgt, hvis Cesc kommer, men spilletiden kan godt blive et problem - dog et problem som jeg tror kan løses med en god omgang rotation. Xavi og Iniesta behøves jo ikke spille hver gang, når man har alternativer i form af Thiago og Cesc, hvilket kan give plads til at Keita kan bruges som indskifter i kampe, hvor der er behov for at vi får en fysisk stærk og løbestærk spiller ind, samt i de kampe hvor vi har svært ved at få åbnet for modstandernes forsvar, hvor der er behov for nogle dybdeløb.

Siempre Barca
Indlæg: 668
Tilmeldt: ons maj 11, 2011 2:53 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 21 gange
Blevet takket: 28 gange

Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Siempre Barca »

Læg mærke til, at jeg har sat Sanchez i parantes, hvilket indikerer, at det ikke har den normale indflydelse. Det er ikke ment sådan, at Sanchez vil spille på midten, men derimod vil Iniestas oprykninger til angrebet blive formindsket og det resulterer, at Keita har færre muligheder.


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Afellay99 »

nu skal vi huske på, at vi kan komme til at spille 65 kampe i næste sæson, og vi kommer 100% ikk til at være lige så heldige mht til skader osv i angrebet og på midtbanen som i denne sæson der lige er slut.

Indlæg: 851
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 26, 2005 7:54 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 15 gange
Blevet takket: 52 gange

Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Diabolito »

Keita har en helt anden karakter end Cesc, hvor Cesc minder til dels om Xavi. Keita er mere end box til box midtbanespiller end nogen andre vi har. Han er den bedste midtbane i hovedspillet, han er den der har mest fysik og den der tager flest løb ind i feldtet.

Han er med andre ord, end helt anden brik i puzzlespillet, og en brik Pep sætter utroligt stor pris på.

Indlæg: 759
Tilmeldt: lør feb 05, 2011 12:03 am
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 48 gange
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Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Nidzo7 »

Han virker også som en der er vigtig i omklædningsrummet.. han burde ligge højere i anførerkøen!


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af BarçaDK »

Nidzo7 skrev:Han virker også som en der er vigtig i omklædningsrummet.. han burde ligge højere i anførerkøen!
Det er jeg ikke helt enig i. Keita virker lidt mere som en far for de unge spillere end en fandenivoldsk ledertype som Puyol.
Xavi er heller ikke som Puyol, men stadig mere en styrmand, Keita lader til at være mere "krammebamse-agtig" ;)


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Squix »

Med tilgang af Cesc, og oprykning af Thiago, ser jeg det svært at have alle 3 med til kampene.
3 udskiftere bare til den off. midt, virker en anelse overgeared - der skal jo også helst udskiftere med til de resterende pladser.

Håber han bliver - og håber de finder en god løsning på det.. Keita, er nu en dejlig spiller!

Indlæg: 2612
Tilmeldt: tirs sep 06, 2005 12:23 pm
Har takket: 147 gange
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Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Bager »

Som jeg ser det, så hvis Fabregas kommer her til sommer, samtidig med at Thiago er rykket op, så vil Iniesta blive rykket ud på fløjen. Dette er efter min mening en skam, da han er bedst inde på midtbanen, men nok om det. Jeg tror derfor det bliver Xavi, Keita, Fabregas og Thiago som skal kæmpe om de to offensive pladser. Førstenævnte er vel, såfremt han er fit, nærmest selvskreven til den ene plads. Så kommer de tre andre til at kæmpe om den sidste plads, og den som får den er vel den som er bedst i form. Dette er noget ringere vilkår for Keita end den netop overståede sæson, men det er nok sådan det er. Det kan jo osse være vi bliver mere ramt af skader i år.


Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Squix »

Bager skrev:Som jeg ser det, så hvis Fabregas kommer her til sommer, samtidig med at Thiago er rykket op, så vil Iniesta blive rykket ud på fløjen. Dette er efter min mening en skam, da han er bedst inde på midtbanen, men nok om det. Jeg tror derfor det bliver Xavi, Keita, Fabregas og Thiago som skal kæmpe om de to offensive pladser. Førstenævnte er vel, såfremt han er fit, nærmest selvskreven til den ene plads. Så kommer de tre andre til at kæmpe om den sidste plads, og den som får den er vel den som er bedst i form. Dette er noget ringere vilkår for Keita end den netop overståede sæson, men det er nok sådan det er. Det kan jo osse være vi bliver mere ramt af skader i år.
Hvis du tror Iniesta bliver rykket op - så mener du vi både skal lade Pedro og Sanchez sidde ude? Messi og Villa må være selvskrevet.

Tror stadig Pep's favorit opstilling vil blive;


Xavi Iniesta

Pedro/Sanchez Villa Messi

Tanken om at rykke Iniesta op, for at smide Pedro på bænken grimmer mig. Bestemt fordi, så bliver Sanchez jo det fjerde hjul i stedet for Keita, og med alt respekt for Keita, tror jeg på Sanchez er bedre - Selvom vi ved hvor meget Pep elsker og stoler på Keita.

Indlæg: 2612
Tilmeldt: tirs sep 06, 2005 12:23 pm
Har takket: 147 gange
Blevet takket: 291 gange

Re: 15 - Seydou Keita

Indlæg af Bager »

Din opstilling betyder at Fabregas, Thiago og Keita kommer alle til at være subs på den offensive midt. Det er for meget efter min mening. Jeg tror, som sagt, på følgende:


Det er godt nok en utrolig vild lineup. Tror at hvis man køber Fabregas, så er det for at han skal spille. Fabregas er dog nok mere køreklar end Sanchez som først skal blive bekendt med systemet. Jeg tror derfor at Keita, Thiago, Afellay og Sanchez kommer til at se meget til fra bænken det første halve år. Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas og Messi er simpelthen spillere der er for gode til at have på bænken.

Det er selvfølgelig bare mine tanker. Pep har sikkert nogle helt specielle idéer i hovedet. Egentlig synes jeg personligt at ti spillere til fem pladser er en for mange, når man tænker bare at vi osse har en ungdomsafdelingen med nogle gedigne talenter man kan trække på såfremt det går helt galt.


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