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Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 1:14 pm
af MessiPogba
Tænk at leve i 2018 og at man stadigvæk har et behov for at kommentere en andens persons hudfarve. Lorte klub, lorte mennesker. Undervikling ftw. Vi mennesker er sgu uhelbredelige.

Ufatteligt, simpelthen ufatteligt.

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 1:21 pm
af Tello
Looooool. Umtiti ude med karantæne for et gult kort som Gil Putano gav ham for at klage over et drabsforsøg fra Gerrard - den samme mand som lavede et racistisk, verbalt angreb mod Umtiti senere. Hvor er Liga foreningen henne?

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Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 3:21 pm
af Piquénbauer
Sergio Garcia on Ig: “First of all, to clarify, I already spoke with Samuel yesterday. In no way was it my intention to be racist. You all know my wife is from gypsy roots and I grew up in a neighbourhood with every race in the world. My brother-in-law, who I have a firm friendship with, is African-American too. In the tension of the game a lot of things are said that should stay on the pitch.
Ok så han sagde det.

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 3:29 pm
af Emancipator
Piquénbauer skrev:
Sergio Garcia on Ig: “First of all, to clarify, I already spoke with Samuel yesterday. In no way was it my intention to be racist. You all know my wife is from gypsy roots and I grew up in a neighbourhood with every race in the world. My brother-in-law, who I have a firm friendship with, is African-American too. In the tension of the game a lot of things are said that should stay on the pitch.
Ok så han sagde det.
fuck ham og hans rådne mentalitet

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 3:29 pm
af emo
Piquénbauer skrev:
Sergio Garcia on Ig: “First of all, to clarify, I already spoke with Samuel yesterday. In no way was it my intention to be racist. You all know my wife is from gypsy roots and I grew up in a neighbourhood with every race in the world. My brother-in-law, who I have a firm friendship with, is African-American too. In the tension of the game a lot of things are said that should stay on the pitch.
Ok så han sagde det.
Og hvis man kan undskylde det med "tension of the game", så er der noget ragende galt. Så er det da absolut som at åbne op for racismen, for man kan jo blot bruge det som undskyldning.

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 4:39 pm
af Gnomitz
Ifølge Levantes Jefferson Lemar blev han udsat for nøjagtig samme bemærkning "a black shit" for en små 3 uger siden af Celtas Iago Aspas. Lemar henvendte sig åbenbart til dommeren, men dommeren valgte ikke at gøre noget ved det. Iago Aspas kom sjovt nok med en udtaelse efter kampen meget lig den Garcia er kommet med, men Aspas benægtede dog beskyldesen.
"What is said in the field, stays in the field. Therefore I will not reproduce what he said to me. In any case, I did not call him what he attributes to me , " says Iago Aspas.
Vil man vide mere kan man læse denne artikel som kommer lidt ind på racisme i spansk fodbold, og hvad der bliver gjort for at bekæmpe det - eller mangel på samme. ... bat-racism

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 6:09 pm
af A$AP
Det er Spanien, selvfølgelig sker der ikke en skid. Fucking til grin, spillerne selv burde virkelig begynde at sætte fokus på det, for eksempel via sociale medier og sætte forbundet under pres. Ellers sker der aldrig noget.

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 6:17 pm
af De La Barça
A$AP skrev:Det er Spanien, selvfølgelig sker der ikke en skid. Fucking til grin, spillerne selv burde virkelig begynde at sætte fokus på det, for eksempel via sociale medier og sætte forbundet under pres. Ellers sker der aldrig noget.
Mon ikke bare forbundet vil give ekstra straf til spillerne hvis de protesterer på de sociale medier?

Visca el Barça i Visca Catalunya

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 6:36 pm
af SpillerSomMESSI
Tror der ville blive åbnet en sag hvis det var Suarez der havde sagt noget rasistisk...

Ala Evra sagen.

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 8:38 pm
af De La Barça
Også i Spanien?

Visca el Barça i Visca Catalunya

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 10:51 pm
af SpillerSomMESSI
De La Barça skrev:Også i Spanien?

Visca el Barça i Visca Catalunya
Ja, hvis det var Suarez

4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 11:26 pm
af De La Barça
Er han da mere forfulgt end andre i Spanien?

Random info: kort tid efter Suarez blev idømt karantæne i England fandt jeg en rom i Kvickly, der hed Negrita.

Visca el Barça i Visca Catalunya

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 11:46 pm
af Piquénbauer
La Liga President, Tebas, will listen to Espanyol and take Piqué's celebration to the committee to see if he should be punished. Here is what he said:

Tebas: "Before Piqué scored the goal, nobody was insulting his family. Piqué should not celebrated in this manner." [md]

Tebas: "Espanyol are professional and worked well with us to stop any insults; there wasn't any on Sunday. There are several ways to celebrate, but Piqué should have not celebrated like this. He created tension with his celebration, and that's not right.

Tebas: "Piqué's celebration caused people to react, which started the insults. We talked to the directors at Espanyol and we saw that no insults were aimed at him before he scored."
Vanvittigt. Simpelthen. Tebas prøver ikke engang at skjule det mere.

Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 11:56 pm
af SpillerSomMESSI
Piquénbauer skrev:
La Liga President, Tebas, will listen to Espanyol and take Piqué's celebration to the committee to see if he should be punished. Here is what he said:

Tebas: "Before Piqué scored the goal, nobody was insulting his family. Piqué should not celebrated in this manner." [md]

Tebas: "Espanyol are professional and worked well with us to stop any insults; there wasn't any on Sunday. There are several ways to celebrate, but Piqué should have not celebrated like this. He created tension with his celebration, and that's not right."
Vanvittigt. Simpelthen. Tebas prøver ikke engang at skjule det mere.

Ronaldo gestikulerer Calma

Raul siger ssshhh...

Begge gange på Camp Nou... og vi husker alle tydeligt at la liga præsidenten hurtig skred ind og satte Real på plads for det usportslige i det.


Re: 4/2 Espanyol - FC Barcelona

: tirs feb 06, 2018 9:58 am
af Tello
Fuuck ....

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