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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man jan 16, 2012 8:07 pm
af Visca El Barca ... e-bernabeu

Interview med Xavi, hvor han kommer ind paa kampene mod Real.

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man jan 16, 2012 8:11 pm
af Visca El Barca
Enndu et interview, nogle af udtalelser er de samme, men dette her er lidt laengere end det andet.
Xavi: “Playing Real is extra motivation”
Posted at: 18:30 on Monday, January 16, 2012 Category: News Written by: Maria Ines
Xavi: “Playing Real is extra motivation”

Xavi spoke to the press today to share his thoughts about La Liga and the upcoming clásico. As usual, Xavi was as elegant with his answers as he is playing football on the field, but he did not avoid hard questions and clearly stated what most culés have been feeling this last couple of weeks: that referees are feeling the pressure from Madrid. The following quotes are from Diario Sport and Mundo Deportivo.

“Referees are making more mistakes against us this year,” said Xavi. ”After the Espanyol and Betis game we feel that way” but he also reckoned that “refereeing is hard. We understand it’s hard to make decisions so quick. But it’s the way it is, we are not complaining, we know that refereeing is complicated“.

The best playmarker in the world also gave his opinion on the next clásico. “I like playing in the Bernabeu,” said Xavi. ”Real is a big historic rival and Bernabéu is a special football field for Barça. Playing them is extra motivation. If this was a one-game thing, then anything could happen. But when you have a qualifying round of two games, then you have some time to show who is the better side. Getting out of the Copa could be a morale blow for the side that loses.”

Barça’s second captain is also aware of the importance and the challenge of the new clásico. “We know that Madrid is a very difficult opponent,” he said. ”We will try to be the protagonists, as possession, having the ball is the best defense.”

In this sense, Xavi has a clear recipe to come home with a victory. “We would not go there and speculate,” he said. ”We will try to play as we are used to, try to have possession of the ball all time. I am not saying anything new here. This is what you would see in every game we play. It’s a qualifying round, so the more goals we get away from home, the better our chances to pass the round. We will go out there and play according to our philosophy and style, we do not know any other way.”

Xavi also spoke about the clásico he most enjoyed over his more than decade long stint with Barça’s first team. “If I had to choose one clásico, I would pick the 5-0 at the Camp Nou. It summed up the excellence of what this team is “, he said, referring to that unforgettable game played in November, 2010.

Xavi also praised his team mate Alexis Sánchez, whose contribution was instrumental in defeating Betis on Sunday. “Alexis gives us great depth,” said Xavi of the Chilean. ”For a midfielder like me it is a privilege to have someone who has the ability to leave his markers behind like he does.”
Kilde; ... ore-100636

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: lør jan 21, 2012 12:38 am
af FCBarcelonaChr
Watch and learn, Xabi:

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 2:07 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Vil benytte lejligheden til at ønske Xavi et stort tillykke med de 32 år! :razz:

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 2:55 pm
af JonasV
Må han blive i klubben for altid!

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 3:49 pm
af Visca El Barca
Tillykke med de 32!. Må han blive i klubben til han er 40!. Verdens bedste midt-midt, nogensinde!.

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 3:54 pm
af zqa
32 år allerede? Hvor bliver tiden dog af!

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 4:13 pm
af rummenigge
Visca El Barca skrev:Tillykke med de 32!. Må han blive i klubben til han er 40!. Verdens bedste midt-midt, nogensinde!.
Hørt! Han må også gerne blive længere end de 40 så længe han er god nok og herefter evt. i en træner rolle el lign. ;-)

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 5:05 pm
af Mander
zqa skrev:32 år allerede? Hvor bliver tiden dog af!
Dunno. Jeg husker dengang, han blev anset for et talent. Man føler sig jo helt gammel. Dog naturligvis ikke lige så gammel som Skydefinten rent faktisk er.

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 5:41 pm
af Skydefinten
Hov hov unge mand. Jeg er kun et græsstrå ældre end hr.Hernandez Creus. Men hvis han giver den gas de næste par år, kan han muligvis godt opnå lige så meget på en fodboldbane, som jeg har. (Og nu er min oldboys karriere først lige startet).

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 5:59 pm
af Mander
Når Xavi engang om en 10-20 år lægger støvlerne på hylden, er jeg sikker på, at han kigger tilbage på sin karriere med bitterhed: Han spillede aldrig i Langå og omegn.

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 7:34 pm
af GiovaniDosBentzen
Langå er pisse ringe :D dem har jeg spillet mod. er faktisk tit i gruppe med dem

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 8:03 pm
af BarçaDK
Mander skrev:Når Xavi engang om en 10-20 år lægger støvlerne på hylden, er jeg sikker på, at han kigger tilbage på sin karriere med bitterhed: Han spillede aldrig i Langå og omegn.
Små slag, det kan han jo nå endnu ;-)

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 8:20 pm
af teemuss
hvis i spørger mig er xavi manden der en dag skal afløse pep som træner i barcelona. :smile:

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

: ons jan 25, 2012 8:57 pm
af Blaugrana97
Kæmpe tillykke til vores overblærede, kæmpeseje og sindsygvilde midtbanegeneral!