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Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: lør nov 06, 2021 9:27 pm
af Norbit
Drake skrev:
lør nov 06, 2021 9:10 pm
Stort velkommen til Xavi, det har vi ventet på siden han forlod os! :grin:

Men selvom jeg er glad for at vi endelig har fået Xavi som træner, så synes jeg det er rigtig dårlig timing! :eek:

Vi er i en lorte situation med ekstremt økonomi, ingen penge at købe for, og en del spillere der ikke er gode nok.
Spændet i mellem de unge og de gamle er for stort, og her er den bærrene stamme er blevet for gammel, og de unge er helt unge og urutineret.
Vi ligger rigtig skidt til i ligaen hvor vi et midterhold, og vindermentaliteten er helt væk og med lidt modgang knækker holdet. Skaderne hober sig op, og bliver bare ved med at komme. Vi har et uhørt lavt tilskuertalt da mange fans har mistet tiltroen til Barca. Spillerne har ikke haft et spillekoncept i mange år og skal først til at have det nu, der er stadig 5 spillere Xavi har spillet sammen med som vil blive mærkelig, og skal være den der skille sig af med dem på et tidspunkt osv.

Jeg tror DESVÆRRE det betyder at han har ødelagt chancen for at få en helt stor karriere som Barcatræner :cry:
Jeg tror dog at han for en vigtig rolle for fremtiden og til træneren efter ham, da han skal bygge holdet og klubben op fra bunden og udvikle mange talenter. Her tror jeg dog han er den rigtige til netop dette, hvis vi har heldet med minimat skader, de unge viser det talent vi håber de har, vi får solgt godt ud og hentet klogt ind for de få midler vi måtte have.

MEN jeg glæder mig til at se Xavi som vores træner, og at spille god fodbold igen (dog uden nogle titler) med en masse unge spiller der forhåbentligt slår igennem og tegner Barca i mange år frem :razz:
Jeg synes, at det er det bedste tidspunkt. Det er nu han virkelig kan vise om han har systemmerne/spillestilen til Barca. Hvis han kan få det til at virke med den her trup, så tør jeg ikke tænke på hvad han vil kunne når der så er budget igen.

Vi har ikke brug for flere lappeløsninger. Xavi skal nok få lidt ekstra stor, både af tilhængerne og af ledelsen. Det vil han få brug for. Kloop, Guardiola byggede ikke deres trupper over en halv sæson.

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 1:35 am
af Dytrax
Vedrørende lidt af de udfordringer Xavi står overfor;

❌ Barça's injury problems go beyond doctors and recoveries.

❌ Sources close to players speak of poor physical preparation from pre-season to day to day training.


Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 9:53 am
af EasyBuddhist
Dytrax skrev:
man nov 08, 2021 1:35 am
Vedrørende lidt af de udfordringer Xavi står overfor;

❌ Barça's injury problems go beyond doctors and recoveries.

❌ Sources close to players speak of poor physical preparation from pre-season to day to day training.

Godt at de endelig selv tager bladet fra munden. Nu har man i flere år hørt det fra spillere, der har forladt klubben. For lidt og for dårlig træning har været en del af hverdagen siden Enriqué. Man har fornemmelsen af at stationære træningsøvelser er det eneste, der er blevet praktiseret. Det taktiske niveau er også for lavt, men det er ikke så mærkeligt med de trænere, der har været.

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 10:24 am
af Dytrax
Læste en kommentar om træning og mangel på samme;

Reports coming out saying the dressing room of Barcelona aka the 4 captains are complaining the team is in a poor physical preparation and they are blaming the medical staff for the injuries as well.

Meanwhile the same dressing room when Luis Enrique came and installed intensive training sessions : complained and wanted to get rid of Enrique, but Xavi as the captain back them intervened and told the players to trust the coach. The team won the treble at the end of the season.

The same dressing room when Valverde became a coach : complained about the training methods and didn't follow Valverde intructions, the players didn't ask for Valverde's permissions not to train, to rest. As for Messi, Koeman said Messi always trains intensively, so he was not lazy like the other players.

The 'club de amigos' fully took the control of the dessing room when Valverde was hired. The club has gone downwards eversince.

Qique Setien said he was shocked how bad the fitness levels of the team were.

Bayern Munchen players said Barcelona were training before the match like it was a friendly game.

Aguero said he was surprised how Barcelona players train shorter than every other team in Europe and barely anyone comes earlier. Koeman did nothing to change it.

Konrad 2 months ago said Barcelona's training session is less intensive than the one at Marseille.

Everything has a consenquence and karma eventually hits you back. Don't fall for the lies of the 4 captains now, they never cared about the club. They always thought they were bigger than the coach and bigger than the club and that's why they never followed the coache's instrusticons. They are the cancer of the club. Take any of them to clubs like Liverpool, Man United, Chelsea etc and they would turn the club's dressing room upside down.

All of this doesn't end here. Pique recently said he doesn't want to retire as a bench player, which means he's still trying to force himself into the starting line-up, disgrace.

As I said earlier in the post, Xavi backed off the players in 2014 when Enrique was hired and now he has to do the same. Xavi has brought his own staff consiting of physios, physical trainers and doctors and I hope he will finally get Barcelona back on the track, but of course he will need a little support from Laporta unlike Bartomeu who stood there to watch Barcelona burn..

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 10:48 am
af Dytrax
Everything has a consenquence and karma eventually hits you back. Don't fall for the lies of the 4 captains now, they never cared about the club. They always thought they were bigger than the coach and bigger than the club and that's why they never followed the coache's instrusticons. They are the cancer of the club. Take any of them to clubs like Liverpool, Man United, Chelsea etc and they would turn the club's dressing room upside down.
Det her er dog noget ævl, synes jeg, men resten, med den manglende intensitet, lyder dog plausibelt. Det ser i hvert fald sådan ud på banen, må man sige.

Håber Xavi får rettet op på det.

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 11:03 am
af EasyBuddhist
Dytrax skrev:
man nov 08, 2021 10:24 am
Læste en kommentar om træning og mangel på samme;

Reports coming out saying the dressing room of Barcelona aka the 4 captains are complaining the team is in a poor physical preparation and they are blaming the medical staff for the injuries as well.

Meanwhile the same dressing room when Luis Enrique came and installed intensive training sessions : complained and wanted to get rid of Enrique, but Xavi as the captain back them intervened and told the players to trust the coach. The team won the treble at the end of the season.

The same dressing room when Valverde became a coach : complained about the training methods and didn't follow Valverde intructions, the players didn't ask for Valverde's permissions not to train, to rest. As for Messi, Koeman said Messi always trains intensively, so he was not lazy like the other players.

The 'club de amigos' fully took the control of the dessing room when Valverde was hired. The club has gone downwards eversince.

Qique Setien said he was shocked how bad the fitness levels of the team were.

Bayern Munchen players said Barcelona were training before the match like it was a friendly game.

Aguero said he was surprised how Barcelona players train shorter than every other team in Europe and barely anyone comes earlier. Koeman did nothing to change it.

Konrad 2 months ago said Barcelona's training session is less intensive than the one at Marseille.

Everything has a consenquence and karma eventually hits you back. Don't fall for the lies of the 4 captains now, they never cared about the club. They always thought they were bigger than the coach and bigger than the club and that's why they never followed the coache's instrusticons. They are the cancer of the club. Take any of them to clubs like Liverpool, Man United, Chelsea etc and they would turn the club's dressing room upside down.

All of this doesn't end here. Pique recently said he doesn't want to retire as a bench player, which means he's still trying to force himself into the starting line-up, disgrace.

As I said earlier in the post, Xavi backed off the players in 2014 when Enrique was hired and now he has to do the same. Xavi has brought his own staff consiting of physios, physical trainers and doctors and I hope he will finally get Barcelona back on the track, but of course he will need a little support from Laporta unlike Bartomeu who stood there to watch Barcelona burn..
Ja, det er et dystert billede og fuldkommen uacceptabelt. Man har kunnet se det på kampene i flere år og specielt i CL er det blevet straffet. Det eneste man laver til træning er at sætte træningskegler op og så løbe lidt frem og tilbage. Uden intensitet, uden vilje og uden passion Jeg er træt af at se holdet i så dårlig form og efterhånden gælder det ikke længere kun det fysiske. De taktiske områder halter også, hvor jo specielt forsvaret har set ekstremt dårlige ud, men de er ikke længere de eneste. Bortset fra at genpresset har været ramt, så er de offensive løb også til at skrige over. Se på en spiller som Memphis. Han aner ikke, hvad han laver på banen. Se på Coutinho, Grizmann og Dembélé. Det kan ikke passe at så gode spillere, lige pludselig ikke kan finde ud af at spille fodbold. Man træner ikke længere det taktiske, det er jeg fuldstændig overbevist om og det er også derfor at de unge La Masia spillere klarer sig bedre. De er ikke forpestet på samme måde og vil kæmpe for deres minutter. Det eneste man laver til træning er at sætte træningskegler op og så løbe lidt frem og tilbage. Uden intensitet, uden vilje og uden passion.

Det er en stor opgave Xavi står overfor og det er også grunden til, jeg vil være lidt påpasselig med forventningerne. Spillerne skal tæskes igennem på daglig basis i denne sæson, indtil de fatter, hvad der kræves af dem. Og, så skal der i den grad ryddes ud i truppen. Jeg er ligeglad med, hvad de hedder. Hvis de ikke leverer på træningsbanen, så er det ud af vagten. Lad os se, om han har det, der skal til

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 11:42 am
af Dytrax
❗Barça will remove physical trainer Roca and physios Brau & Linde from their post on Tuesday.

Barça's head of medical services, Dr. Lluis Til, could also be replaced if Dr. Ricard Pruna returns. [@fansjavimiguel]

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 2:32 pm
af Champione
Kæft man bliver rørt over den præsentation <3

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 2:44 pm
af Dytrax
Champione skrev:
man nov 08, 2021 2:32 pm
Kæft man bliver rørt over den præsentation <3
Ja, samme her.

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 2:44 pm
af Dytrax
Xavi Hernández: "I arrive at a delicate moment, but I feel prepared. I know that we are generating enthusiasm, it is necessary to put order and have the maximum demand."

"The project is medium-long term. There is a team to do great things."

"Training sessions will demand a lot."

"We have to recover many things, especially the pressure after a loss in possession."

"I'm going to demand a lot from the players, but I will help them. For me it is an advantage to know the captains, Busquets, Piqué, Alba, Roberto, and players like ter Stegen."

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 2:58 pm
af Kvoller

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 3:54 pm
af emo
Hvorfor er jeg overrasket over at Xavi kan engelsk?

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 4:53 pm
emo skrev:
man nov 08, 2021 3:54 pm
Hvorfor er jeg overrasket over at Xavi kan engelsk?
Det var jeg godt nok også overrasket over :thumbup:

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 6:42 pm
af Dytrax
Pep Guardiola: “If Laporta and the board choose Xavi, it is because there are millions of positives, few negatives. He knows the house and will bring positive energy because of the way he sees football and because of his dedication.”

Pep: “It is better that Xavi is not compared to me or anyone else. You have to be very patient with him. His knowledge of football will help the club a lot.”

Re: Xavier Hernandez Creus

: man nov 08, 2021 6:42 pm
af Dytrax
Xavi: "My first defender is the forward, and my first forward is the goalkeeper. We will try to implement the Cruyff philosophy, everything depends on everyone."

Xavi: "Barcelona is the most difficult club in the world, because you have to win and convince. I will try to return to excellence."

Xavi: "I don't believe in a specific leader. We, the staff, have to lead, but then there have to be several leaders. Messi was a leader on the pitch, but in the dressing room he was more introverted. Everyone must have their role, there must be different kinds of leaderships."

Xavi: "More than the game system, what I want is the model: squeeze, not wait, have the ball, dominate, create more chances than the rival.”