
Tidernes Barca-legender

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Dealing with Pep’s departure
Posted at: 08:58 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 Category: Opinion Pieces Written by: Stevenson
Dealing with Pep’s departure


We call him Pep.

Oh sure, sometimes it’s Pep Guardiola, or simply Guardiola. But more often than not, it is simply Pep. You won’t often see this convention used among professional sports journalists. But the people working on projects like totalBarca, where the writing comes from the heart rather than for a paycheck, are all on a first name basis with the coach of the team they adore.

I read a lot every day about the world of European football. I don’t believe I have ever seen Sir Alex Ferguson referred to as “Alex.” Arsene Wenger is never “Arsene.” Even in Spain, it would seem almost disrespectful to refer to Mister Mourinho as “Jose.”

Not so with Pep. Sure: its fun to say; it sounds almost like a nickname. But I suspect that the intimacy people feel for Guardiola has to do precisely with the things he, and the club, bring to the table that make them different from a United or an Arsenal or a Real Madrid.

And its also why its so hard to see him leave. When Frank Rijkaard was ushered from the dressing room in 2008, I was intrigued at how a new chapter in the club’s development would unfold. To be perfectly candid, I was also excited, believe it or not, because I felt certain that the club would hire Jose Mourinho to replace him.

When Pep announced his departure on Friday I felt like I had just lost a family member. I realize that on the face of it, this sounds absurd. I have never been in the same room with Pep Guardiola. We have never exchanged a single word of actual conversation. It is unlikely that we will ever meet. And yet there I was: 4:30 am on a workday, watching a press conference that had tears streaming down my face. How is it that someone so far removed from my real life could have such emotional power over me? Given the gulf between us, the spell that Pep Guardiola has cast over me and his admirers world wide is a testimony to his charisma, his integrity and the amazing gift of his football.

Which brings me to the point of this post: Where were you when you heard the announcement? What was your reaction? And how did you deal with it in the days to follow? I personally have found it therapeutic to console and be consoled by my fellow cules about what is certainly the end of an era. Hopefully you will too.

Read more: ... z1tQeD4xbj
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."



Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af vamosbarca »

jeg får stadig tåre i øjenene,det gør så ondt at pep forlader os,kan stadig ikke fatte det. :sørgelig:


Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af 11Barca11 »

vamosbarca skrev:
jeg får stadig tåre i øjenene,det gør så ondt at pep forlader os,kan stadig ikke fatte det. :sørgelig:

Det er jo det jeg har skrevet. Vi alle har fået ondt i vores Visca Barca hjerter, og ærlig talt, det nytter ikke noget sidde der hjemme foran computeren og være ked af det. Lad os stå sammen i den hårde tid og lad os demonstrer når Barca skal spille mod Espanyol på hjemmebane.

Planen er at vi samler et par tusind Barca fans fra DK og hvis der nogen der har kontakter til diverse fanklubber i Barcelona må i gerne kontakte dem.
Stol på mig, Hvis Pep kommer til at se en demonstration i Barcelona med flere tusind Barca fans, vil han uden tvivl komme tilbage til klubben. Det er nu vi har en chance for at gør en stor forskel i klubben, det er jo trods alt os der ejer klubben på en måde.

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Guardiola: "If Pinto doesn't get injured, he'll play the cup final. He helped us to get to the final for the 3rd time in 4 years." #fcblive

Guardiola: "Praise after announcement exit? I'm grateful for it. Although I didn't pass away. Don't know where, but I'll still be around."

Guardiola: "Karanka saying the Liga existed before me and will exist after me? Well, he's right. Congrats for the observation." #fcblive

Guardiola: "Spending time in England? I will rest now, I have to clear my mind, I won't coach next season. We'll see in the future" #fcblive

Guardiola: "Pinto playing instead of Valdes? He played well. We'll give him time to prepare for the cup final." #fcblive

Guardiola: "Thiago-Alves dance celebration? We apologize for it, that's not the attitude of Barça players. It won't happen again." #fcblive

Guardiola: " This team is young, Tito knows the players well, Barcelona will continue to be competitive." #fcblive

Guardiola: "Very happy with Pedro's game. I like few players as much as him, we started together in the 4th division." #fcblive
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Iker Casillas (Real Madrid): "Guardiola leaving Barça? I guess in Barcelona they will be grateful for what he has achieved." #fcblive

Tw Eladio Parames (personal spokesman Mourinho): "Well done, Iker Casillas! Why paying tribute? Guardiola just left a club." #fcblive
Ham Eladio gutten er godt nok underlig, han sagde præcis det samme da Karanka kom med sin smålig kommentar. Det er som om, de er besatte af Pep. Man skulle tro det havde ændret sig nu, hvor de vinder ligaen. ... 4QT00vypDg ... s:22,i:123

Her er der et billede af ham, flot fyr. Man skulle tro at en mand i hans alder var lidt mere moden end det der, men....
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 10117
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
Har takket: 109 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Kubala »

Visca El Barca skrev:
Iker Casillas (Real Madrid): "Guardiola leaving Barça? I guess in Barcelona they will be grateful for what he has achieved." #fcblive

Tw Eladio Parames (personal spokesman Mourinho): "Well done, Iker Casillas! Why paying tribute? Guardiola just left a club." #fcblive
Ham Eladio gutten er godt nok underlig, han sagde præcis det samme da Karanka kom med sin smålig kommentar. Det er som om, de er besatte af Pep. Man skulle tro det havde ændret sig nu, hvor de vinder ligaen. ... 4QT00vypDg ... 2/03/16/11

Her er der et billede af ham, flot fyr. Man skulle tro at en mand i hans alder var lidt mere moden end det der, men....

Ja, Visca, vi har et ordsprog, der siger at han er undskyldt, da han er en ældre herre, og de bliver jo senile med alderen, derfor er de undskyldt, da der hvor jeg kommer fra, har vi enormt respekt for de ældre. Han er dog en ynkelig ældre herre, som med alderen ikke har formodet at få den visdom, som man får, og så vil jeg ikke længere tale i dårlige vendinger om manden, for vi skal jo som sagt respektere vores ældre.
Senest rettet af Kubala fre maj 10, 2013 11:16 pm, rettet i alt 1 gang.

Indlæg: 11425
Tilmeldt: man jan 12, 2009 1:06 pm
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af JonasV »

Virkelig flot Pep-hyldest:

- og nej, dem kan vi ikke få for mange af! Hvor er den mand dog fantastisk.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Det er underligt, at flere og flere eksperter er begyndt at snakke om en tilbagevenden. Jeg så kampen i går på Skysports (og bare rolig, det der med signalet var ikke 6'eren skyld, det var vejret. Signalet røg også mange gange på skysports, hvorefter de beklagede og sagde at det var vejrforholdene), og ham kommentatoren sagde, at han ville sætte sine penge på at Pep vender tilbage. Han sagde jeg har gode kilder, uden at uddybe det, interessant.

Her er der så Ben Hayward, som snakker om en tilbagevenden, dog først efter at han har været en tur i udlandet.
He'll be back: Barcelona lament loss of Guardiola as England and Italy await in future, but they will see his like again
The 41-year-old will leave Camp Nou at the end of the season but even though he is destined to try his luck abroad, the former Blaugrana midfielder will eventually return home

Apr 28, 2012 9:00:00 AM

By Ben Hayward | Spanish Football Editor

This is not the end. Pep Guardiola said goodbye to Barcelona in an emotional press conference on Friday. But it's not Adeu, more Hasta La Vista: He'll be back.

The signs had been there for some time. Gone was the fresh-faced figure from 2008; promoted after just one impressive season with Barca B, then handed one of the toughest tasks in football management; replaced by a stressed and strained individual this term.

The decision to leave was taken in October, Guardiola revealed. But in truth, the Barca boss had been considering calling time on his ultra-successful soujourn at the Catalan club since the end of his second season.

Tellingly, he told Rai Sport last year that his time at Camp Nou may be drawing to an end. "I've already done three years," he explained. "One more will be four years, and in four years a big club needs a lot of courage to keep the same coach. Everyone should know when it's the right time to go, as I always heard when I was a player."

And he has stayed true to his word.

This is not a rash or rushed decision, but a pre-meditated, emotive and calculated choice from a man with Barcelona in his blood. He has given everything in these four years at Camp Nou and, as he said on Friday, he has nothing left in the tank.

The 41-year-old had appeared strangely subdued in the disappointing defeat at home to Real Madrid on Saturday and then again as Barca lost their Champions League crown with an unfortunate aggregate loss to Chelsea. Now we know what was up.

Guardiola's staggering statistics
1 Pep was bestowed with the Catalan of the Year Award after his remarkable debut season with Barca in 2009
2 He claimed two Champions Leagues, two Club World Cups and two Super Cups during his tenure
3 Guardiola also led Barca to three successive La Liga titles between 2008 and 2011
6 His Blaugrana side lost just 6 of their 52 Champions League games during his tenure
14 If Barcelona claim next month's Copa del Rey, Guardiola will have amassed 14 titles in four seasons

Barca fans will be distraught at his departure: Pep is the most successful coach in the history of the Catalan club, having claimed 13 titles from three-and-a-half trophy-laden terms - with many more memorable moments along the way.

But they must understand. The reason Pep has achieved so much is because he has given them everything. Guardiola is a workaholic and for four years, he has eaten, drank and slept Barca, as well as dedicating time to his young family. No wonder he is tired.

As his 40th birthday approached last year, one Catalan newspaper asked many of his players what they would give Pep as a present. Many gave the same answer: a book - they said - so he can relax for a while and take his mind off the job.

Stress cannot be underestimated, either. Guardiola has been forced to endure the intense pressures of the Barca job, while suffering the personal pain of witnessing the illness of his second-in-command Tito Vilanova - who is now set to take over in the summer - as well as full-back Eric Abidal and the condition of his mother, who watched her son pick up his medal from the Catalan parliament in a wheelchair recently.

And then there's Mourinho. Since the Portuguese took over at Real Madrid in the summer of 2010, he has worked on grinding down Barca and Guardiola with a series of personal attacks on Pep and the Catalan club, where the two had worked together under Bobby Robson and Louis van Gaal.

Guardiola was moved to respond to Mourinho's mud-slinging after Barca's Copa del Rey defeat to Madrid last April, the second in a series of Clasico clashes between Spain's two top teams. And more of the same has followed this term, with Pep increasingly tired by the tactics of his former friend.

But what now? Pep, as a football fanatic, will surely not stay inactive for too long. Although he has admitted he needs to recharge, he is likely to find, as Mourinho did after his exit at Chelsea, and Kenny Dalglish discovered on leaving Liverpool in similar circumstances, that the desire to return to work will come back sooner rather than later.

Guardiola has been linked with a sabbatical ever since taking over at Barca, and it is thought he had a pact with his family that after calling an end to his Camp Nou career, in order to take a well-deserved break to spend some quality time with his loved ones.

And then what? Guardiola has been linked with every job available or otherwise, from Chelsea to Spain, Inter to Arsenal, Athletic Bilbao to Brescia and even England. But they will need to form a patient queue.

The 41-year-old has previously admitted an international job appeals at some stage of his career. That, however, is unlikely to be now. Watching him train with his players at Barca, he looks like one of the lads, lining up alongside his stars in the passing drills and laughing and joking with his charges during their special sessions. As a former footballer - and a very, very good one - himself, he loves that day-to-day involvement with his players. An international job would provide just sporadic stimulation and is unlikely to satisfy the Barca boss' brilliant mind at this early stage of his coaching career.

England never seemed to suit, in any case. Wherever he goes next, Pep will be keen to work with technical players who are able to adapt to his football philosophy of pressing, passing, possession and perfection. Training the Three Lions therefore seems an unlikely fit.

At a club side, Guardiola would have more freedom to adapt the style of play and bring in his type of players. There will be no Xavi, no Andres Iniesta and no Lionel Messi, of course, but Pep is massively motivated by the colossal challenge of starting from scratch and testing himself in an unfamiliar environment.

A club like Arsenal would seem an ideal match. Pep has spoken in glowing terms about how Arsene Wenger changed the philosophy of the north London outfit and the Frechman is thought to be keen to bring in Guardiola once he decides to move upstairs. Questioned about that possibility before the sides' Champions League semi-final second leg in 2010, Wenger smiled and said: "Now is not the time to talk about that." Now could be.

Across London, Chelsea have also been constantly linked with the Catalan coach, while Sir Alex Ferguson has spoken highly of the 41-year-old and Manchester United will eventually need to appoint a successor for the Scot.

Nevertheless, nobody should attempt to second guess Guardiola. The former Barca captain was tipped to join one of Europe's top sides as he left the Catalan club in equally emotional circumstances as a player in 2001. But he joined Brescia. And later in his career, he moved to Qatar, before ending his playing days in Mexico under his mentor, Juanma Lillo.

So much will depend on the project. A return to Italy looks likely at some stage and Pep claimed last year that he would coach Brescia for free. He has also admitted in the past at being intrigued by Athletic Bilbao, although his tremendous ties to Barca may end such a scheme.

As already alluded to, the Premier League is another definite destination. Pep came close to moving to England as a player but was ultimately unable to realise that particular dream. As a coach, he now seems certain to test his talents in the Premier League, although he is keen to improve his - already able - language skills before such a move can materialise.

For the moment, he leaves Barcelona in good hands with the decision to hand over the reins to Vilanova, a man who shares his view of the game and who will protect his legacy of attacking football combined with defensive discipline throughout the team.

But Barca fans can rest easy too - because Pep will return. Youth-team player, ball boy, captain, coach - he has done it all at Camp Nou. And asked what he would say to a young boy who shed his first tears for Barca after the defeat to Chelsea on Wednesday, Guardiola replied: "Welcome to the club." His club.

So while talk of Tito keeping the hotseat warm for a possible triumphant return in the near future appears wide of the mark, the perfect partnership is far from finished yet. Pep coaching Barca was a marriage made in heaven. Now a separation is necessary, but sooner or later, the love story will continue.

LINK: ... as-england
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 12448
Tilmeldt: søn sep 24, 2006 2:00 am
Har takket: 13 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Brombi »


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Arrigo Sacchi (ex-coach AC Milan): "Guardiola is the true football genius. If you innovate, you run out of energy faster." [gazz via ep]

Sacchi: "Pep, the idealist, the innovator, stops. Many won't understand in a world where all is valued based upon money and success." [gazz]
Store ord fra en stortræner, Sacchi er mig en af de allerbedste trænere, verden nogensinde har set. Manden var unik i sin tilgang til fodbold.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 15205
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 22, 2006 2:00 pm
Geografisk sted: Babylon
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Lopezzz »

Pep Guardiola presided over 243 official matches with FC Barcelona’s first team. In every single one of those matches, his team had more ball possession than his opponents.
I like!
Men igen, det vil være anderledes eller umuligt uden Titos hjælp.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Det er første gang i rigtig mange år, at jeg ser pressen hylde en træner i sådan en grad, efter at vedkommende har valgt at stoppe i en klub. Han er jo ikke engang gået på pension, men det er flot hvor stor og overvældende hyldesten har været. Se det her f.eks.
International press hail Guardiola

Ian MacLurg

04/30/2012 19:15

The international media has been unanimous in its recognition and appreciation of Josep Guardiola after the manager announced that he will leave FC Barcelona at the end of the season

Global audience for Guardiola’s goodbye

More than 34,000 users tuned in to FC Barcelona’s website to watch Guardiola’s live press conference this Friday at 13:00. When the news hit social media networks it spread like wildfire; traffic to the Club’s site jumped 10 fold. Moreover, throughout Friday, Barça’s official YouTube channel had over 60,000 users watch the recorded press conference at one time, the video itself was watched over 256,000 times in two days.
Multimedia: overview of Guardiola's career

Lainformació, while analyzing Guardiola’s departure, created an excellent interactive overview of Guardiola’s career with FC Barcelona. The content special can be viewed here.

BBC also paid homage to the outgoing manager by creating a photo gallery of Guardiola’s best years both as a player and as a manager. The gallery can be viewed here.

The international media has been unanimous in its recognition and appreciation of Josep Guardiola after the manager announced that he will leave FC Barcelona at the end of the season. The announcement was made this Friday during a joint press conference with President Sandro Rosell and football director Andoni Zubizarreta.

Appreciation and success

Writing for ESPN, Graham Hunter analyzes Guardiola’s trajectory at the Barça helm and traces the overall impact Guardiola has had on the sport: “That is to say anyone, at all, who loves soccer owes Pep Guardiola a debt for the style, the creativity, the thrills, the bravery and the inventiveness. Sure, Barca fans covet and treasure the trophies, but neutrals like the majority of us simply know that someone who revolutionized football has been among us for a short, dramatic space of time.”

Hunter goes on to make the case that Guardiola did, in fact, make the right decision to step aside after achieving unprecedented success in his relatively short tenure as Barça’s boss. “My view is that those who think that losing this season's Champions League semifinal and probably watching Madrid lift the title are reasons to delay departure are absolutely wrong,” writes Hunter. “[N]ow he has taken the correct decision ... Guardiola, in life as in football, sees things just a little differently. His decision to leave the club he passionately loves comes at a cost because sooner or later it will move him to tears. Count on that ... But he knows he has reached that moment in time that, if ignored, will bring errors, regret, ill health and possibly failure.”

Football writer and ESPN columnist Phil Ball explains how Guardiola raised his Club’s profile in the world of football: “it has been interesting to see just how the whole Barcelona image, internationally speaking, has changed since Guardiola took over back in June 2008. Before then, people were very aware of the club and its culture, of course. Now they're hyper-aware, not so much for the politico-cultural reasons but because of the footballing paradigm that Guardiola has helped create. Its impact has been massive, will continue to be, and the news last Friday that the architect of the edifice was not going to continue was akin to the resignation of a head of state.[...] He leaves on a wave of affection, but his departure should nevertheless mark a point of reflection for the club, and perhaps for La Liga in general.”

Exhausting search for perfection

For the Guardian, Sid Lowe writes that “few men have represented Barcelona like Guardiola." Lowe adds: “it is not just the talent but the intensity and commitment that make Guardiola. It is the same intensity that has contributed to his departure and the same commitment that contributed to delaying it: the coach was concerned about the impact that his announcement could have. Ultimately, though, the impact upon him was greater. In the end, it was too great. His left-back Eric Abidal has had a liver transplant, his assistant Tito Vilanova [was sidelined with illness], he has been hospitalised with back problems. The emotional cost has been as great as the physical one. Managing Barcelona has taken its toll.”

Global chorus

BBC pundit Andy Brassell writes: “Pep Guardiola's departure as Barcelona coach, after 13 trophies, including three La Liga titles and two Champions Leagues, will sadden many beyond the club and its supporters [...] Even if Guardiola decided to turn his sabbatical into a retirement, his Barca legacy will be felt for generations.”

New York Times football journalist Rob Hughes writes, “trophies do not define Guardiola’s success: Style does. Even now, as he announces his imminent departure, he shows that the style is the man. Guardiola is not quitting because his team has lost its two major pieces of silverware — the Spanish league and the Champions League trophies — over the past week. In fact, losing and feeling the players need guidance makes it all the harder to go now.”

Argentina’s Olé daily recounts Angel Cappa’s, Argentinean ex-footballer and manager, take on Guardiola’s impact on the sport: “if I see him, I will say thank you. That’s the best think that we can say to him. Thank you very much, Pep. Come back soon [...] Each game promised happiness. Every match of Guardiola’s Barça made our dreams come true.”
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 17816
Tilmeldt: fre sep 23, 2005 2:12 pm
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Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af emo »

Måske det ekstra medieomtale udover selvf. at han er en fantastisk træner og har opnået alt med Barcelona, kunne skyldes at han gik frivilligt. Ikke mange top-trænere i den absolut bedste klub der bare vælger at gå uden at blive fyret eller på baggrund af noget rod med ledelsen.

Indlæg: 12448
Tilmeldt: søn sep 24, 2006 2:00 am
Har takket: 13 gange
Blevet takket: 28 gange

Re: Guardiola

Indlæg af Brombi »

Forestil jer, at I er FC Barcelona og at i synger den her sang om/til Pep Guardiola!!

Det er som om Avril Lavigne vidste at en træner som Guardiola ville komme til klubben og at han igen ville forlade, mens vi mest har brug for ham :D

Amen' dyrk lige omkvædet!!
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
og dette vers?!
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
Overvejer at indspille sangen.. JonasV måske vil joine? :cool:


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