10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Tidernes Barca-legender

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg


Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af LaMasia! »

[quote="Lopezzz"]Den ny bog "Messi - Verdens bedste" er pissefed.
Jeg var såå glad da jeg fik den i gave for 4 dage siden.
Den skal ejes af alle :wink:
Fra mig får den 7 ud af 6 stjerner :P

Jeg har også bestilt den hjem. Glæder mig vildt til at få den. :)


Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af LaMasia! »

Lopezzz skrev:Den ny bog "Messi - Verdens bedste" er pissefed.
Jeg var såå glad da jeg fik den i gave for 4 dage siden.
Den skal ejes af alle :wink:
Fra mig får den 7 ud af 6 stjerner :P
Har også bestilt den hjem. Glæder mig vildt til at få den :)

Mit indlæg ovenover skal lige glemmes :wink:

Indlæg: 11425
Tilmeldt: man jan 12, 2009 1:06 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af JonasV »

Jeg fik den også foræret forleden, og er cirka halvvejs. Tror ikke jeg synes den er særlig velskrevet (måske er det bare oversættelsen der halter), men den er bestemt god underholdning.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

You have already scored goals in many countries, but never on English soil. Is the final your chance [to change this]?

Is it really true that I haven’t scored in England before? Let me think about it … Yes, you’re right. I’ve never thought about it and I also believe that it is just a coincidence. I will do everything I can at Wembley to help us score a goal. But you know me: If we win the Cup, it doesn’t matter to me who scored the goals.

Read more: http://www.totalbarca.com/2011/news/mes ... z1NAx8ABwm
Lige en hilsen til Ben Hayward :wink: ..

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Her er så hele interviewet, endnu engang får man et billede af en spiller, som bare har et ønske om at forbedre sig år efter år, med hårdt arbejde, og er ikke tilfreds med det han allerede har opnået, han vil have mere. Men, vigtigst af alt, når man læser dette interview, så får man endnu engang slå fast, at der her er tale om en spiller, som mere end noget andet, går op i holdets succes, måske fordi han ved, at holdets succes er lige hans egen? Og også en spiller, som er meget glad for sin træner. Flere steder roser han sin træner og kalder ham den bedste ung træner..
Messi on the secret to his success
Posted at: 12:08 on Monday, May 23, 2011 Category: Interviews, News Written by: Amanda
Messi on the secret to his success

In an interview that appeared earlier this week in Swiss paper Tages Anzeiger, Lionel Messi spoke about the upcoming Champions League final against Manchester United, his goal scoring form, and what he’d most like to be remembered for, among many other topics. The following is a translation of his interview, the original can be found here.

Lionel Messi is the best footballer in the world. He’s won his 5th league title with Barcelona and will play in his 3rd Champions League Final. And he explains why he currently scores so many goals.

Lionel Messi, you play for FC Barcelona who have won the Spanish championship ahead of schedule [before the end of the season]. Are you relieved that you can now concentrate on the Champions League Final on May 28?

It’s always good to be champion before the last round, whether it’s followed by a Champions League Final or not. You do not want to be nervous, waiting for the last match and being dependent on other results. That we were able to win with two games [left in the League] before the Champions League final, proves our strength. But of course it’s also nice to think about the Final itself, which we are all focusing on now.

Some people considered the semi-final between Barcelona and Real Madrid as the real final. Would you have preferred to play against them in the Final?

The opponent for me is not that important. Nevertheless, I think it is a dream final, to meet Manchester United. United is the only team that can now reach our level. They are strong, and they will not try to destroy our game, like Real did. Manchester will want to play their own game, and I am convinced that will make it an excellent final.

Is it an advantage for United, that the Final will take place in London?

They will perhaps have a few more fans there because the neutral public will support Manchester, but this will have no great influence on the outcome of the game. We set up our system the same no matter whether we play at home or abroad.

You have already scored goals in many countries, but never on English soil. Is the final your chance [to change this]?

Is it really true that I haven’t scored in England before? Let me think about it … Yes, you’re right. I’ve never thought about it and I also believe that it is just a coincidence. I will do everything I can at Wembley to help us score a goal. But you know me: If we win the Cup, it doesn’t matter to me who scored the goals.

This is your third Champions League Final. Is it as special as the first?

I think so. The Champions League is the most important competition along with the World Cup. The world’s best players are there. I have high expectations for this final because I think that both teams will play without tactical shackles.

What do you think about Manchester?

I see a lot of potential in their team. They were strong in the Premier League and won the title. I’ve seen a couple of their Champions League matches, they were very convincing as they beat Schalke in the semifinals (with a 2-0 away and 4-1 in the return leg). You must keep in mind that beat Valencia and Inter to qualify for the semi-final, but against Manchester they didn’t stand a chance. That says a lot about the strength of this team, the quality of the players.

Which player do you like best?

Who don’t I like? Manchester has as many good players as we do in any position.

Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez moved for less than 10 million € from Mexico to Manchester. He has 13 goals in his first season in the league and four in the Champions League. Are you surprised by his development?

He is certainly one of the reasons why United has done well this season. I have to confess that before his move I knew very little about him, so we can say now that he has achieved a breakthrough. He has great potential, and it might be worthwhile to follow his progress.

Are there any players in Manchester who would play as well for FC Barcelona?

Hernandez could fit in our team. He speaks Spanish and has a great style of play. It’s difficult to predict what he’ll do next, and that’s what we see as a strength of our own team. I am sure that both our management and Real Madrid’s keep an eye on such players. Wayne Rooney is another possibility. He has been playing at the highest level for many years (the 25-year-old Rooney made his debut for Everton in the Premier League when he was 16 and has now spent 7 years at United). I am sure that with his style he could adapt in no time to conditions in Spain.

What do you think of Alex Ferguson, who has been the coach at Manchester United since 1986 and won 12 league titles and two Champions Leagues?

I have the greatest respect for his work. You have to be a great coach and an exceptional person, if you succeed at the same club and manage to win titles again and again while developing players and a [distinct] playing style. For me, Josep Guardiola is the best young football coach, and Ferguson is undoubtedly the best of the older generation. (The Barça coach is 40, Ferguson turns 70 this year.)

You are 23 years old and have already won the Spanish championship five times and are now trying for your third Champions League trophy. How many titles will you [be able to] win in your career?

The simple answer is: as many as possible. It is, however, not like I sit at home and figure the years I have left as a professional, and how many titles I should win by then. I don’t look so far into the future, but just enjoy it [the present], to be in this wonderful team which is my favourite team.

Two years ago you scored 38, then 47, and for the first time now 50 goals scored in a season. What have you changed in your game in order for more goals to happen?

I’m older and more experienced now. I’ve exprienced more situations on the pitch and benefited from them: I make wiser decisions. I know what I’m capable of, and that makes a difference. Also I play with a enormous self-confidence. During a game I have crazy ideas in my head and I’m brave enough to implement these ideas.

Do you have an opinion on who is the best in history: Pele, Maradona or you?

I don’t know if I’m already as good as Pele and Maradona. Both were great players and won a lot with their national teams, which I haven’t done. What is more, it’s hardly possible to compare players from different eras of football together. I have no desire to hear people say that once “Lionel Messi was the best player in history.” If I’m remembered in 50 years as a major player from this fantastic Barça team, I will be very proud.

Are you surprised that it’s not only you, but Cristiano Ronaldo has also been able to score as many goals in the League and Cups this season?

I am extremely impressed by Ronaldo’s performance. He has helped Real Madrid to the top of the league and would have deserved to play in a more offensive-oriented team in the Clásicos against us. With his last final spurt with seven goals in four days I was amazed because I thought I could win the Pichichi (the name for the trophy for the top scorer in La Liga). But with so many goals he deserved the title. (Ronaldo has scored 41 league goals, Messi 31)

Is the current Barca team the strongest in which you have ever played?

Yes, definitely. Although many of the players have been here for years, we are all older and more experienced. We have the best coach, because Guardiola is loyal to the club and the players from the youth academy. He will do always what is best for the club and not for himself. He is a symbol, of how to play like Barcelona and how to behave.

Would it be considered a setback for this team to go a season without winning a title?

It is impossible to predict the future. But please note that FC Barcelona has been built carefully. What we have now is the result of years of hard work in the youth academy, but also in the transfer market with the right additions. I believe that our titles won have all been greatly deserved, and I think that this team for years to come won’t suffer any setbacks.
Den markerede del, kan jeg godt lide :D ..

Indlæg: 18524
Tilmeldt: tors jan 25, 2007 9:50 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Blaugrana92 »

Så har jeg også lige bestilt Messi bogen. Glæder mig til at se den på dansk, selvom jeg allerede har læst den på engelsk. ;)

Indlæg: 5540
Tilmeldt: ons dec 16, 2009 4:54 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af SpillerSomMESSI »

Messi afslører i dag hans inspirationskilde til hans fantastiske tryllerier på banen.

Her ses Messi med den undertrøje han lover at flashe foran milliarder af tilskuere når han scorer i CHL finalen på lørdag, udtaler han til Tyborøn Tidende.

Indlæg: 778
Tilmeldt: fre aug 27, 2010 10:51 am
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Ronaldinho »

SpillerSomMESSI skrev:
Messi afslører i dag hans inspirationskilde til hans fantastiske tryllerier på banen.

Her ses Messi med den undertrøje han lover at flashe foran milliarder af tilskuere når han scorer i CHL finalen på lørdag, udtaler han til Tyborøn Tidende.
Hahaha! Nice one! :D

Indlæg: 778
Tilmeldt: fre aug 27, 2010 10:51 am
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Ronaldinho »

FCBarcelonaChr skrev:
Squix skrev:Nogen der har statistik på samlet mål fra Messi den her sæson, og samlet antal mål fra C. Ronaldo?

Fører vores Wonderboy stadig, eller har dramaqueenen taget over :) ?

Messi skulle jo gerne have den gyldne bold igen - nu hvor Ronaldo er løbet med topscorer titlen i La Liga.
Ronaldo fører med et mål over Messi. Deres samlede statistik:

54 kampe.
52 mål.
24 assists.

54 kampe.
53 mål.
15 assists.
Har Messi ikke scoret 55, eller tæller Supercuppen ikke med?


Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Afellay99 »

supercuppen hører til forrige sæson... ligesom når vi forhåbentligt skal spille spanske supercup, og europæisk supercup og vm for klubhold efter sommerferien, så vil scoringerne tælle for den her sæson :)

Indlæg: 12448
Tilmeldt: søn sep 24, 2006 2:00 am
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Brombi »


messi sætter lige puyol af ! sygt

Indlæg: 15200
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 22, 2006 2:00 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Lopezzz »

Brombi skrev: messi sætter lige puyol af ! sygt
Men Messi er den eneste fodboldspiller der kan komme forbi Puyol :P

Siempre Barca
Indlæg: 668
Tilmeldt: ons maj 11, 2011 2:53 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Siempre Barca »

Jeg læste i bogen Messi, Verdens Bedste og faldt lige på et interview af Jose Mourinho efter Chelsea-Barca kampen i Champions League 2005-2006 på Stamford Bridge. Han udtalte sig således om Del Hornos udvisning (begået på Messi): "Om jeg er skffet over udvisningen af Del Horno? Har I set kampen eller hvad? Uanset hvad, er jeg skuffet over dommerne. Skriv, hvad I vil ... Men hvad kan vi gøre? Bede dem trække kortet tilbage? Give Messi karantæne for sit skuespil? Intet af det vil ændre resultatet. For lad os være helt ærlige: Messi filmede. Catalonien er en kulturel region, som I ved. Jeg har været i teatret der mange gange, og der er der kvalitet. Og Messi har lært af det bedste".

- Jeg får virkelig, virkelig ondt af manden.

Indlæg: 18524
Tilmeldt: tors jan 25, 2007 9:50 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Blaugrana92 »

Mourinho blev tabt som barn på en ferie i Lissabons gader, og kørt over af sporvognene adskillige gange. Med andre ord - manden er jo retarderet. Del Horno er et usympatisk møgsvin og har været det alle dage. Hvordan han overhovedet kan sidde og forsvare en manden der lavede denne (se fra 2:40) sviner, uden så meget som at blinke, stiller jeg mig simpelthen fuldstændig uforstående overfor. Nogle gange tænker jeg at verden ville være et bedre sted, hvis Mourinho's far havde brugt noget beskyttelse, der i 1962 - ærligt talt.

Indlæg: 3307
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 21, 2009 11:57 pm
Geografisk sted: København
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af rummenigge »

Blaugrana92 skrev:Mourinho blev tabt som barn på en ferie i Lissabons gader, og kørt over af sporvognene adskillige gange. Med andre ord - manden er jo retarderet. Del Horno er et usympatisk møgsvin og har været det alle dage. Hvordan han overhovedet kan sidde og forsvare en manden der lavede denne (se fra 2:40) sviner, uden så meget som at blinke, stiller jeg mig simpelthen fuldstændig uforstående overfor. Nogle gange tænker jeg at verden ville være et bedre sted, hvis Mourinho's far havde brugt noget beskyttelse, der i 1962 - ærligt talt.
Lol...listen er lang over mænd der burde ha brugt kondom :D


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