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Re: FC Barcelona

: tors jan 25, 2018 9:39 pm
af !Option ... stortalent

Ny spiller til B-holdet? Nogen der kender noget som helst til ham?

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 30, 2018 9:59 pm
af A$AP
phpBB [video]

0:45. Hold kæft Suarez er irriterende :lol:

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 30, 2018 10:58 pm
af Lopezzz
Ser ud til at Suarez og Messi er ikke bedste venner mere LoL :smile:


Re: FC Barcelona

: ons jan 31, 2018 5:30 pm
af Slindj93
Der går rygter om at forlænge med Munir, så man kan få mere for ham til sommer. Havde ellers håbet at få ham tilbage og sælge Paco. For det første er Paco mere værd prismæssigt, men jeg synes ikke, han er bedre end Munir, samtidig med, at Munir er fra La Masia.

Re: FC Barcelona

: ons jan 31, 2018 5:39 pm
af Piquénbauer
Det er 2 ret forskellige spillere. Men jeg tror stadig at paco er væk til sommer sammen med munir. Greiz bliver hentet og der vil ikke være ret meget tid til paco.

Re: FC Barcelona

: ons jan 31, 2018 8:11 pm
af Slindj93
Piquénbauer skrev:Det er 2 ret forskellige spillere. Men jeg tror stadig at paco er væk til sommer sammen med munir. Greiz bliver hentet og der vil ikke være ret meget tid til paco.
Tror du har ret, men havde håbet, at Munir kunne være reserven for stjernespillerne, da jeg synes han har kvaliteterne til at være en ok reservespiller. Men Arnaiz bliver selvfølgelig rykket op, mens Coutinho også kan spille venstre wing, så vi behøver i realiteten ikke Munir, desværre, for jeg tror ikke, vi får særlig meget for ham.

Re: FC Barcelona

: lør feb 03, 2018 2:32 am
af Michman

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn feb 04, 2018 7:56 am
af JonasV

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn feb 04, 2018 1:48 pm
af A$AP
Langt interview med vicepræsident Jordi Mestre. Om Neymar, La Masia og unge spillere der skifter, Coutinho og Valverde. Det lyder ikke alt for godt for Robert :lol:.

Og egentligt ikke noget vi ikke vidste med Neymar..
How much money does the club spend on youth football?
We are investing between 20-25 million a year.

Of 23 Barca B players, only 7 have come from La Masia. Is it worth spending so much money?
It's not just football, it's about values. We develop people through sport. We will keep doing it, whoever arrives in the first team. We are very proud.

Is it a priority to keep Barca B in Segunda A?
Yes, for development reasons.

Why did Pep Segura take over from Robert Fernandez?
Pep did not take over from Robert or do his job. He complements him, strengthens and co-ordinates the area of football.

Robert's deal ends on June 30, do the board intend to renew it?
It's not an urgent matter. We will talk with him calmly to take a joint decision.

Youth player Sergio Gomez has gone to Dortmund. Talent is leaving...
We don't want them to go and we work to avoid it, but we will not change because they can leave for another club. We have a sporting and economic policy for youth football.

If a player wants to leave, we don't like it because we've helped develop them and get to where they are, but as Cruyff said, if someone doesn't want to stay at Barca then get out of here. A lot of others could have left, but they stayed.

Like who?
Alena, Sergi Samper, Sergi Roberto. If they [youth products] have patience and work as they have to work, they will reach the first team.

How do you stop these exits?
We can't be blind and ignore reality. Within the parametres of youth football, we will raise the salaries of players who interest us, and consequently their release clauses.

Barca are upset about this, but they do the same to other academies...
That's true, yeah. We have no reasons to complain. Our youth football also takes players from other clubs.

Change of tpic. How long were Barca furious about Neymar?
What hurt me the most was the way it happened. We were all on tour talking with him and his father, and they were not transparent.

If he came to us and said, I want to go, like Cesc, Pedro, Alexis, Mascherano did, we would have reached an agreement. What you can't do is rock the boat.

Did he take the piss?
He played cat and mouse with us. It arrived at a point where we saw where things were going so we told him we would not pay his contract renewal fee.

You said you were 200 per cent sure Neymar would not leave...
He told us nothing. If he had done, PSG would have been able to buy him for less money and it would have cost us less to sign too. What Neymar's behaviour created was the market inflation. We would have saved a lot of money and a lot of media noise.

Do you think he did all this to get his bonus?
I'm convinced, for that I'm annoyed. Now we will go to court and the judge will decide.

Why do you think Neymar acted like this?
Neymar saw he would never be No 1 while Messi was at Barcelona. And evidently, there will only be one Messi. He realised to be No 1 in the world he would have to leave Barca, and it's fair enough for him to think like that.

Were the club panicked when Neymar left?
It was a little earthquake, because the trident was gone, and Valverde, who had just arrived, would be left without him. But everyone did a great job, we didn't lose our nerve or go mad.

What team was left?
A very solid Barca. The squad was cut down as the coach wanted. From 24 players we went to 22, and we have a lot of quality, experience, talent and youth. And on top of all that, we still have Messi.

Coutinho lost money by coming to Barca?
Yes, he made a big economic effort, like Mascherano and Luis Suarez in their day. This shows the desire they have to play at Barca.

How much money does the club have to spend in the summer?
Every year we have the same amount. 60 million plus sales.

Valverde, two years and one more optional. Is he going to be renewed?
Give us a break! We love him but the priority was to get to the end of the winter window. Everything will come in time.

What has Valverde brought?
Above everything, balance. He has clear ideas, knows football and the stability of the squad.

Does it worry you the salary has shot up?
The salary cost is high, yes, because to have the players we have is not cheap. Our priortiy is sporting excellence and economic rigour. One brings the other. They are closely linked.

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn feb 04, 2018 9:11 pm
af Piquénbauer
phpBB [video]

Rigtig god analyse af valverdes barca!

Jeg kan forresten anbefale at tjekke ham der har lavet videoens twitter ( Der kommer nogle spændende synspunkter omkring holdets taktik efter kampene.

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn feb 04, 2018 9:40 pm
af Michman

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn feb 04, 2018 9:46 pm
af SpillerSomMESSI
Ja, hvem i alverden havde set den rekord komme ... tilbage i august måned?

Re: FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 3:25 pm
af JonasV

Re: FC Barcelona

: man feb 05, 2018 3:31 pm
af emo
JonasV skrev:Piquenbauer?
Evig optimisten, på et eller andet tidspunkt rammer han plet... ;-) :razz:

Re: FC Barcelona

: ons feb 14, 2018 6:05 pm
af JonasV
Klar splittelse i truppen: