Real Madrid

Diskussion om den La Liga og andre spanske klubber

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

# 23
Indlæg: 2779
Tilmeldt: tors apr 08, 2010 5:23 pm
Geografisk sted: Old Trafford
Har takket: 30 gange
Blevet takket: 86 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af # 23 »

Det er mig en gåde, at Ramos slipper uden karantæne. Det er mig en gåde, at enten Barca eller Real (Allermest Real dog. De går det ALTID) altid skal appellere røde kort. Det er jo at eliminere dommerens autoritet, at forbundet ofte går ind og revurdere situationen.

Medmindre der er tale om decideret snyd, at en spiller er fejlagtigt blevet delt et rødt kort f.eks. ved, at modstanderen har filmet for groft insinueret kontakt, selvom der intet var, så jeg kan forstå det. Men at Real altid appellerer er simeptlhen for klamt. Ramos fik en af sine berømte hjerneblødninger, og det skal han bøde for. Skandale.

Hvis Real taber point til Sociedad, så bryder helvedet for alvor løs. El Clasico'en bliver slet ikke for småbørn. Så bliver det manipulering, mord fra Pepes side, skuespil, svinske tacklinger og alt andet, der ikke burde ske mellem to så dygtige hold.
Den største nogensinde? Ronaldinho <3 El magico!


Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af teemuss »

jeg begriber ikke at folk på kan sidde og forsvare morinho og kalde ham verdens bedste træner,en af dem skriver at hvis ikke morinho havde brokket sig havde de jo ikke fået så meget,så brok gør at man får flere kendelser med sig,ja goddaw do.
morinho er et pattebarn på 5 år når det ikke går hans vej,og i medgang er han Gud synes han selv,seriøst hvordan f..... kan man hylde sådan en mand.Pep har 1000000 klasser mere format end morinho,og al den ballade her gør at vi barca fans bare rykker tættere sammen om vores klub,VÆR STOLTE GUTTER I ER FANS AF DEN BEDSTE KLUB I VERDEN AMEN. :glad:

Indlæg: 198
Tilmeldt: man jan 16, 2012 5:56 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 5 gange
Blevet takket: 6 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Qwade »

Squix skrev:At Mourinho og Pepe slipper for let endnu engang overrasker mig ikke.

Men at de vælger at fratage Ramos' hans røde kort er simpelthen så skandaløst!
Alle de gange Barcelona har fået forkerte gule kort i denne sæson - f.eks. Iniestas, hvor han bliver nedsablet i modstanderens felt - Gult kort - optagelserne viste tydeligt der var straffe - Barcelona appellerede - intet skete.
Nu har vi lige fået annuleret Pique's andet gule, så de er også lidt med os af og til! ;)

Jeg håber personligt, at man vælger fra det Spanske fodboldforbund, begynder pr. starten af næste sæson, at slå hårdt ned mod tilsvinelser mv. Dette gælder for ALLE hold, herunder også Barca, således at denne uprof. tone ikke fortsætter de næste mange år - således at vi alle kan nyde seværdig fodbold, uden at skulle se sådan nogle vanvittige scener mere!

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Qwade skrev:
Squix skrev:At Mourinho og Pepe slipper for let endnu engang overrasker mig ikke.

Men at de vælger at fratage Ramos' hans røde kort er simpelthen så skandaløst!
Alle de gange Barcelona har fået forkerte gule kort i denne sæson - f.eks. Iniestas, hvor han bliver nedsablet i modstanderens felt - Gult kort - optagelserne viste tydeligt der var straffe - Barcelona appellerede - intet skete.
Nu har vi lige fået annuleret Pique's andet gule, så de er også lidt med os af og til! ;)

Jeg håber personligt, at man vælger fra det Spanske fodboldforbund, begynder pr. starten af næste sæson, at slå hårdt ned mod tilsvinelser mv. Dette gælder for ALLE hold, herunder også Barca, således at denne uprof. tone ikke fortsætter de næste mange år - således at vi alle kan nyde seværdig fodbold, uden at skulle se sådan nogle vanvittige scener mere!

Pique har vist ikke fået annulleret sit andet gule kort, han afsonede nemlig karantæne for det røde kort, han fik mod Sporting. Det vil ikke give meget mening, at annullere hans gule kort nu, hvor han alligevel har afsonet sin karantæne.

Det der er sket er, at de ikke vil straffe ham yderligere for hans kommentarer til dommeren.

Men ellers er jeg enig, selvom dommeren i weekenden var katastrofe, ser det ud til, så sender man bare de forkerte (eller rigtige) signaler ud, alt efter hvordan man ser det, når man underminerer dommeren trækker røde kort tilbage. Man sender nemlig et signal til dommerne om, at hvis de givet et rødt til Real, så bliver det hele undersøgt, dommeren skal forklare sig, og der er en stor sandsynlighed for at dommen bliver omstødt. Det er problematisk i den henseende, at en dommer måske ikke tør at give rødt, fordi han ved at forbundet kan underminere ham.

Det spanske fodboldforbund må lige tage sammen, de skal straffe alle hold på lige vilkår, heriblandt også Barca og Real. Hvis de straffer de andre hold hårdt og lader Barca og Real slippe billigt, så mister man troværdighed, og det er vel ingen interesseret i.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Jose Mourinho's red mist at Real Madrid - 22 players sent off in 103 games, including seven against Barcelona
Mesut Ozil and Sergio Ramos were dismissed in Los Blancos' 1-1 draw at Villarreal on Wednesday night - but that's nothing new since the Portuguese arrived as coach in 2010

Mar 24, 2012 9:00:00 AM

By Ben Hayward | Spanish Football Editor

Jose Mourinho doesn't want to talk about it. The Real Madrid coach refused to speak to the media after his side's 1-1 draw at Villarreal on Wednesday, in protest at a series of refereeing decisions he believes went against his team at El Madrigal. And the capital club, at Mourinho's request, then took the unusual step of cancelling their pre-match press conference altogether ahead of Saturday's match against Real Sociedad.

Behind the scenes, however, the Portuguese will not stay silent.

Mourinho himself was dismissed on Wednesday night, along with Sergio Ramos, Mesut Ozil and fitness coach Rui Faria. Pepe, despite reports to the contrary, was not shown a red card in the tunnel after the game, but added another blemish to his growing list of misdemeanours as he reportedly told the referee: "What a robbery, you son of a b**ch."

Madrid were angry after match official Jose Luis Paradas Romero appeared to book Villarreal striker Marco Ruben twice, but failed to send off the Argentine, although the referee's report later revealed that the first card had been for Marcos Senna, who later smashed home a free-kick to claim a point for the hosts and subject the visitors to their second draw in the space of four days. But while Mourinho moaned on the sidelines and Madrid were unlucky with the dismissal of Ozil, who was shown a straight red card for applauding the referee, there could be few complaints overall - indiscipline had cost them once more.

The Portuguese appeared most unhappy with the foul committed by Hamit Altintop just outside the area with eight minutes left. It was an identical position to where Esteban Granero had conceded a free-kick on Sunday against Malaga. And the result was the same, too, as Senna emulated his former Villarreal team-mate Santi Cazorla and beat Iker Casillas with a stunning shot to seal a 1-1 draw. La Liga, all of a sudden, looked back on, as Barca are now just six points adrift of Madrid with 10 games left and a Clasico clash still to come at Camp Nou next month.


Player sent off
Rival Competition Result


21/09/10 Espanyol La Liga
Won 3-0
Two yellows

Alvaro Arbeloa

10/11/10 Murcia Copa del Rey
Won 5-1
Two yellows

Xabi Alonso

23/11/10 Ajax Champions League
Won 4-0 Two yellows

Sergio Ramos

23/11/10 Ajax Champions League
Won 4-0
Two yellows

Sergio Ramos

29/11/10 Barcelona La Liga
Lost 5-0
Straight red

Ricardo Carvalho

19/12/10 Sevilla La Liga
Won 1-0 Two yellows

Alvaro Arbeloa

3/1/11 Getafe La Liga
Won 3-2 Two yellows

Iker Casillas

13/2/11 Espanyol La Liga
Won 1-0
Straight red

Raul Albiol

16/4/11 Barcelona La Liga
Drew 1-1
Straight red

Angel Di Maria

20/4/11 Barcelona Copa del Rey
Won 1-0
Two yellows


27/4/11 Barcelona Champions League
Lost 2-0
Straight red

Ricardo Carvalho

30/4/11 Zaragoza La Liga
Lost 3-2
Two yellows

Mesut Ozil

17/8/11 Barcelona Spanish Supercopa
Lost 3-2
Straight red


17/8/11 Barcelona Spanish Supercopa Lost 3-2 Straight red


14/9/11 Dinamo Zagreb
Champions League
Won 1-0
Two yellows

Sami Khedira

18/9/11 Levante La Liga Lost 1-0 Two yellows

Angel Di Maria

24/9/11 Rayo Vallecano
La Liga Won 6-2 Two yellows


17/12/11 Sevilla La Liga Won 6-2 Two yellows

Alvaro Arbeloa

10/1/12 Malaga Copa del Rey
Won 1-0
Two yellows

Sergio Ramos

25/1/12 Barcelona Copa del Rey Drew 2-2
Two yellows

Sergio Ramos*

23/3/12 Villarreal La Liga Drew 1-1
Two yellows

Mesut Ozil

23/3/12 Villarreal La Liga Drew 1-1 Straight red
* Ramos' red card at Villarreal has since been reduced to a yellow and he is eligible to play this weekend

Since arriving at Madrid in the summer of 2010, Mourinho has now seen 22 players sent off in 103 games - and seven in 11 matches against Barcelona. The biggest offenders are Pepe and Ramos, with four red cards apiece (although the latter's last dismissal has since been converted to a single booking), followed by Alvaro Arbeloa with three. Marcelo, Angel Di Maria, Ozil and Ricardo Carvalho have all seen red twice under the Portuguese, while Sami Khedira, Xabi Alonso and Iker Casillas complete the list with one dismissal each.

Wednesday's game was the third time Mourinho's Madrid have ended a game with nine men. The first of those, however, was a carefully planned exercise as Ramos and Alonso - on learning their coach's instructions via a message passed from Jerzy Dudek to Casillas and then to the Seville-born centre-back - both forced a second booking in the Champions League win at home to Ajax in order to serve suspension in Los Blancos' final group game in last season's Champions League.

The second time Madrid finished with nine players was against Barcelona in the Spanish Supercopa at Camp Nou earlier this season, when Marcelo and Ozil saw red at the end of an unsavoury encounter which will forever be remembered for Mourinho's eye-poking incident with Barca's assistant coach Tito Vilanova.

With Ramos' red card now reduced to a yellow by the RFEF, he can now play against Real Sociedad on Saturday, which represents a real relief for Mourinho as central-defensive partner Pepe has been banned for two games and cannot feature. The Portuguese will also be without Ozil, while he himself will be watching from the stands as Madrid look to return to winning ways on Saturday.

And with Barca closing in, they simply cannot afford to let any more points slip. Nor can they afford any more red cards.
Hele 22 røde kort har Real spillere fået under oversætterens ledelse, hele 7 mod Barca, er det mon tilfældighed at de få så mange røde kort eller ligger der mere bag i.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 198
Tilmeldt: man jan 16, 2012 5:56 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 5 gange
Blevet takket: 6 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Qwade »

Yeah, min fejl Visca. :)
Men ja, det er sørgeligt at man beskylder La Liga for at være en 2-spors motorvej, med Real og Barca foran alle andre, og at Real og Barca så samtidigt (til tider i hvert fald) bliver favoriseret foran de mindre hold - det ser fandme skidt ud globalt set! :(


Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af kato »

Visca El Barca skrev:
Jose Mourinho's red mist at Real Madrid - 22 players sent off in 103 games, including seven against Barcelona
Mesut Ozil and Sergio Ramos were dismissed in Los Blancos' 1-1 draw at Villarreal on Wednesday night - but that's nothing new since the Portuguese arrived as coach in 2010

Mar 24, 2012 9:00:00 AM

By Ben Hayward | Spanish Football Editor

Jose Mourinho doesn't want to talk about it. The Real Madrid coach refused to speak to the media after his side's 1-1 draw at Villarreal on Wednesday, in protest at a series of refereeing decisions he believes went against his team at El Madrigal. And the capital club, at Mourinho's request, then took the unusual step of cancelling their pre-match press conference altogether ahead of Saturday's match against Real Sociedad.

Behind the scenes, however, the Portuguese will not stay silent.

Mourinho himself was dismissed on Wednesday night, along with Sergio Ramos, Mesut Ozil and fitness coach Rui Faria. Pepe, despite reports to the contrary, was not shown a red card in the tunnel after the game, but added another blemish to his growing list of misdemeanours as he reportedly told the referee: "What a robbery, you son of a b**ch."

Madrid were angry after match official Jose Luis Paradas Romero appeared to book Villarreal striker Marco Ruben twice, but failed to send off the Argentine, although the referee's report later revealed that the first card had been for Marcos Senna, who later smashed home a free-kick to claim a point for the hosts and subject the visitors to their second draw in the space of four days. But while Mourinho moaned on the sidelines and Madrid were unlucky with the dismissal of Ozil, who was shown a straight red card for applauding the referee, there could be few complaints overall - indiscipline had cost them once more.

The Portuguese appeared most unhappy with the foul committed by Hamit Altintop just outside the area with eight minutes left. It was an identical position to where Esteban Granero had conceded a free-kick on Sunday against Malaga. And the result was the same, too, as Senna emulated his former Villarreal team-mate Santi Cazorla and beat Iker Casillas with a stunning shot to seal a 1-1 draw. La Liga, all of a sudden, looked back on, as Barca are now just six points adrift of Madrid with 10 games left and a Clasico clash still to come at Camp Nou next month.


Player sent off
Rival Competition Result


21/09/10 Espanyol La Liga
Won 3-0
Two yellows

Alvaro Arbeloa

10/11/10 Murcia Copa del Rey
Won 5-1
Two yellows

Xabi Alonso

23/11/10 Ajax Champions League
Won 4-0 Two yellows

Sergio Ramos

23/11/10 Ajax Champions League
Won 4-0
Two yellows

Sergio Ramos

29/11/10 Barcelona La Liga
Lost 5-0
Straight red

Ricardo Carvalho

19/12/10 Sevilla La Liga
Won 1-0 Two yellows

Alvaro Arbeloa

3/1/11 Getafe La Liga
Won 3-2 Two yellows

Iker Casillas

13/2/11 Espanyol La Liga
Won 1-0
Straight red

Raul Albiol

16/4/11 Barcelona La Liga
Drew 1-1
Straight red

Angel Di Maria

20/4/11 Barcelona Copa del Rey
Won 1-0
Two yellows


27/4/11 Barcelona Champions League
Lost 2-0
Straight red

Ricardo Carvalho

30/4/11 Zaragoza La Liga
Lost 3-2
Two yellows

Mesut Ozil

17/8/11 Barcelona Spanish Supercopa
Lost 3-2
Straight red


17/8/11 Barcelona Spanish Supercopa Lost 3-2 Straight red


14/9/11 Dinamo Zagreb
Champions League
Won 1-0
Two yellows

Sami Khedira

18/9/11 Levante La Liga Lost 1-0 Two yellows

Angel Di Maria

24/9/11 Rayo Vallecano
La Liga Won 6-2 Two yellows


17/12/11 Sevilla La Liga Won 6-2 Two yellows

Alvaro Arbeloa

10/1/12 Malaga Copa del Rey
Won 1-0
Two yellows

Sergio Ramos

25/1/12 Barcelona Copa del Rey Drew 2-2
Two yellows

Sergio Ramos*

23/3/12 Villarreal La Liga Drew 1-1
Two yellows

Mesut Ozil

23/3/12 Villarreal La Liga Drew 1-1 Straight red
* Ramos' red card at Villarreal has since been reduced to a yellow and he is eligible to play this weekend

Since arriving at Madrid in the summer of 2010, Mourinho has now seen 22 players sent off in 103 games - and seven in 11 matches against Barcelona. The biggest offenders are Pepe and Ramos, with four red cards apiece (although the latter's last dismissal has since been converted to a single booking), followed by Alvaro Arbeloa with three. Marcelo, Angel Di Maria, Ozil and Ricardo Carvalho have all seen red twice under the Portuguese, while Sami Khedira, Xabi Alonso and Iker Casillas complete the list with one dismissal each.

Wednesday's game was the third time Mourinho's Madrid have ended a game with nine men. The first of those, however, was a carefully planned exercise as Ramos and Alonso - on learning their coach's instructions via a message passed from Jerzy Dudek to Casillas and then to the Seville-born centre-back - both forced a second booking in the Champions League win at home to Ajax in order to serve suspension in Los Blancos' final group game in last season's Champions League.

The second time Madrid finished with nine players was against Barcelona in the Spanish Supercopa at Camp Nou earlier this season, when Marcelo and Ozil saw red at the end of an unsavoury encounter which will forever be remembered for Mourinho's eye-poking incident with Barca's assistant coach Tito Vilanova.

With Ramos' red card now reduced to a yellow by the RFEF, he can now play against Real Sociedad on Saturday, which represents a real relief for Mourinho as central-defensive partner Pepe has been banned for two games and cannot feature. The Portuguese will also be without Ozil, while he himself will be watching from the stands as Madrid look to return to winning ways on Saturday.

And with Barca closing in, they simply cannot afford to let any more points slip. Nor can they afford any more red cards.
Hele 22 røde kort har Real spillere fået under oversætterens ledelse, hele 7 mod Barca, er det mon tilfældighed at de få så mange røde kort eller ligger der mere bag i.

Har en god ven/kollega som har været united fan siden 92. Vi havde en snak forleden omkring oversætteren. Efter hans visit i Chelsea, er deres røde kort og gule ca halveret. Der kan vel ikke herske nogen tvivl, at han opfordrer spillerne til at spille meget fysisk. (svinsk)
Jeg har flere kollegaer, som har interesse for fodbold. 2 united fans en Chelsea og en juve/Real fan der kommer en god diskussion i ny og næ ;-) Men en ting som alle har tilfælles pt det er at oversætteren er til grin og hans opførelse hører ikke hjemme i fodbold verden. Han er jo på ingen måde noget godt forbillede for mindre børn eller generalt. Han burde gå ind i politik istedet, med al hans mediestunt gennem tiderne. Navnet "the special one" har steget ham til hovedet. Han er ikke andet end en selvcentreret arrogant lille mand, som kun tænker på at få titler på hans cv. Koste hvad det vil, selvom det går ud over klubbens omdømme. Selv Real fans uden for internet forum, kan se dette! Ja og sgu ikke kun Real fans.
Oversætteren kan skabe resultater, men det er måden det bliver gjort på. Hvis han tror os dødelige ikke kan se, hvad det er han har gang i, ja så er han sgu dum. Hvis han bevidst ved det, så er han en kynisk kold mand. Så er det jo op til den enkelte derude at definer det.
Somsagt what comes around goes around... Sådan er universet skruet sammen ;-)

Indlæg: 9750
Tilmeldt: lør nov 13, 2010 9:44 pm
Har takket: 636 gange
Blevet takket: 1284 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af kklaus »

Fritte skrev:Jeg griner hver gang de viser Mourinhos Braun Shaver reklame. Især i pauserne mellem Barca kampene.
Jeg trykker på mute-knappen, gider simpelthen ikke høre på ham. Dog trykker jeg ret tit på mute-knappen når der er reklamer...
Giv mig min sko tilbage, røv!


Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af teemuss »

jeg trykker helt væk når han er i en reklame,orker ikke at se på den idiot

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Those of Pep will try to win the league on the grass

Others will try to win the league from here

Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 8941
Tilmeldt: man aug 31, 2009 7:03 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksberg
Har takket: 1752 gange
Blevet takket: 1029 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Skydefinten »

Double conspiracy! Mou spokesman said Ramos yellow revoke was all part of plan. Will pick up yellow tonight (on 4) to miss Osasuna game.
Take away his goals, you’re left with his assists. Take away his assists, you’re left with his dribbles. Take away his dribbles, and you’re left with his key passes.. And most of the time, you get all of it together in 90 minutes. Lionel Messi.

Indlæg: 2377
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 10, 2006 7:58 pm
Geografisk sted: Holbæk
Har takket: 97 gange
Blevet takket: 224 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af klogfyr »

Jeg stødte lige på denne her: Billede

Det er fra denne twitter account:!/mesut0ezil

Der står det er den Mesut Özils officielle twitter account, men er ikke sikker. Hvis den er rigtig, er det da en skandale udtalelse, selvom det er ufatteligt dårlig engelsk. Er der nogen der ved om det er hans Twitter account?

Edit: efter at have set hans andre tweets, må den være fake ellers er der noget helt galt i hans hoved.


Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af teemuss »

nu slipper vi da i det mindste for at høre på deres flæberi indtil de taber igen.Hvad tror i der sker hvis de taber på camp nou.?gæt selv :roll:

Indlæg: 3205
Tilmeldt: lør jul 30, 2005 10:56 pm
Har takket: 174 gange
Blevet takket: 386 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Guardiola »

Det var jo nærmest en fornøjelse at se Real i går. Og med det mener jeg uden Mourinho, Pepe, flæberi og vanvidstacklinger. Blot mærkeligt at se Ramos i en kamp, som han helt retmæssige burde have misset

Om den twitter. Kan umuligt være ægte, selvom den godt nok fremstår sådan. Både navnet på den, at det skrives officiel, og så nogen og firs tusinde følgere. Men nægter at tro på at han kan være så dum... På den anden side...

Indlæg: 198
Tilmeldt: man jan 16, 2012 5:56 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 5 gange
Blevet takket: 6 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Qwade » ... -technical

Fedt at se Pep selv udtaler sig kritisk om dommerne og fodboldforbundet ift. deres tøse-attitude mht. karantæner!!


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