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Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jan 08, 2012 1:36 am
af Guardiola
Visca El Barca skrev:Billede

Culés and Merengues, let’s leave the rivalry to the side and toast together 2012 … so raise those cups!!!

Happy 2012
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Godt Nytår!.
Fantastisk. Den gestus kan vi da godt vise dem.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 7:47 pm
af Visca El Barca
Det er altsaa fantastisk, hvordan han hele tiden proever at motivere sine spillere til at yde lidt mere, isaer lige efter de har faaet ros og anerkendelse. Han er fantastisk, og han skal virkelig blive, ikke bare et aar mere, men mange aar fremover. Jeg synes han er arkitekten bag vores succes, og jeg er ogsaa 100% sikker paa, at vi ikke havde spillet ligesaa godt eller havde faaet alle de store sejre som vi har de seneste aar, hvis en anden var traener isetedet for ham.

Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola not getting carried away by current run of success
The former B team boss acknowledges that the future appears to be bright for the Catalans but he is quick to point out that everything can change very quickly in football

Jan 10, 2012 3:11:00 PM
By Mark Doyle

Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola insists that the youthful nature of his current squad offers no guarantee that the club’s remarkable run of success will continue for years to come.

While captain Carles Puyol and playmaker Xavi are both the wrong side of 30, the majority of the Catalans’ key performers are either in or approaching their prime.

In addition, on the evidence of last month’s 4-0 rout of BATE Borisov in the Champions League, a game in which Barca fielded a team with an average of just 23, a new batch of exciting youngsters are on their way.

However, Guardiola insists that staying at the top is even more difficult than getting there.

“In football a team’s success or failure hangs by a thread,” he told after being named Coach of the Year for 2011 in Zurich on Monday night.

“It might seem that because we’ve been successful in the past and we’re very young this is going to last, but you have to take things very carefully.

“It’s extremely difficult to build something good and strong, but letting it slide is much easier.”

Barca are currently in the midst of a fascinating battle to hold on to their Primera Division crown, with the Catalans now five points in arrears of Real Madrid following Sunday’s 1-1 draw with Espanyol.

And Guardiola admitted that everyone is intent on knocking the Catalans off their perch – and have been for some time.

“We didn’t need Sunday's game to know that the competition is ever more fierce,” the former Spain international said.

“But we’re going to keep trying, that’s the least we can do. I don’t know if we’ll keep winning, but I’m certain we won’t stop trying.”

Guardiola confessed that after a night on which he was named Coach of the Year and Lionel Messi claimed his third successive Ballon d’Or after being named in the Fifa/FifPro World XI alongside four of his team-mates, he hopes that there are more trophies to come for Barca.

“There’s a bit of cause-and-effect going on, because when you win titles individual recognition comes hand in hand,” he mused.

“At the end of the day, we’re fortunate both because we’ve won these prizes and because we're happy to have received so much praise for the way we’ve played.

“We hope to stay on this path in order to live nights like this again.”

Guardiola has led Barcelona to 13 titles since taking charge of the club in the summer of 2008.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 8:22 pm
af Visca El Barca
Most Ballon d'Or winners: Barcelona 9 - AC Milan 8 - Juventus 8 - Real Madrid 6 - Bayern Munich 5 - Manchester United 4 #fcblive

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 8:30 pm
af teemuss
hmm ved godt det er et lidt mærkeligt indlæg men prøver aligevel.

hvem tror i vinder ligaen?
hvem vinder copa del ray
og vinder af CL
kom med jeres bud please lidt objekttiv og gerne med begrundelse.
ligaen tror jeg desværre Real Madrid vinder
CL vinder barcelona
copa del ray tror jeg osse barcelona vinder.
det er så uden hensyntagen til mit syn på barca

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 8:38 pm
af Visca El Barca
Ingen af jer faar ret i jeres forudsigelser.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 8:45 pm
af teemuss
Visca El Barca jeg vil meget gerne høre din mening du kommer tit med mange gode guldkorn(ja det er et kompliment) :smile:

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 8:49 pm
af Visca El Barca
teemuss skrev:Visca El Barca jeg vil meget gerne høre din mening du kommer tit med mange gode guldkorn(ja det er et kompliment) :smile:
Jeg tror Valencia vindermestersabet, Sociedad vinder CDR og Basel vinder C.L. Eller ogsaa er det Bayern, eller Milan, eller et helt andet hold. Det samme kan siges om mesterskabet og CDR!.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 8:52 pm
af teemuss
øhh ok hmm basel vinder CL ja så gir jeg squ øl til alle herinde. :glad:

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 9:43 pm
af Visca El Barca
Nice billede!


Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 9:44 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Alt for fedt!

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 9:45 pm
af Visca El Barca
Oev, hvorfor er hele billede ikke med? :sørgelig: :sørgelig:

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 9:47 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Hele billedet er fedt, men synes godt at Abi kunne have været med!

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 10:30 pm
af Blaugrana92
Giv os linket så vi kan se hele billedet! Nu nu nu!

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 10:44 pm
af kklaus
Blaugrana92 skrev:Giv os linket så vi kan se hele billedet! Nu nu nu!
Jeg er lidt forvirret nu, er du seriøs? Det er jo ikke noget stort tryllenummer at få hele billedet frem ud fra Visca's post.. ;-)

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jan 10, 2012 10:49 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Blaugrana92 skrev:Giv os linket så vi kan se hele billedet! Nu nu nu!
Is på BG92.. ... POSTER.jpg