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Re: FC Barcelona

: fre aug 10, 2012 3:37 am
af FCBarcelonaChr
Most minutes preseason: S.Roberto 265 - Alves 258 - Pinto 251 - Mascherano 241 - Alexis 232 - Afellay 220 - Bartra 211 - Messi 195 [via md]

Re: FC Barcelona

: fre aug 10, 2012 11:51 pm
af Raman93

Re: FC Barcelona

: lør aug 11, 2012 12:57 pm
af Visca El Barca

Det er typisk engelske medier, de opfinder bare ting, og det værste er at de fleste engelske P.L fan bois æder det råt.

Noget andet er det som Barcastuff skriver, som jeg synes rammer plet. Det viser bare hvor hyklerisk de engelske klubber, deres managers og fans er, når det kommer til transfers og spillerkøb.
1/a few - some seem to have a problem with the habit in spain of answering questions about players from other teams
at barcelona, there is a daily press conference from one player with free questions, among which "opinion on latest transfer rumour?"
be it neymar, javi martinez, neymar, agger, neymar, soriano, neymar, song, or neymar, the standard answer is "great player, would fit in"
same happens in all spanish clubs. pepe, arbeloa, higuain or casillas have for example talked about modric.
most people in most countries like it that a player of their club is talked positive about by another player
in england, there seems to be an extra limit to freedom of speech which involves players saying positive things when asked about a colleague
doing it would even be part of a strategy to destabilize the praised player, make him lose his head and force his way out of his club
all this coordinated by 100 dwarves trained by the cia and operating from a secret bunker under the camp nou
note: we advise arsenal to talk to rennes who so far could hold on to m'vila despite destabilization campaign involving sagna and koscielny
note: we advise arsenal to talk to rennes who so far could hold on to m'vila despite destabilization campaign involving sagna and koscielny
if lack of education or openness, or fanatism, prevents some from understanding or respecting other cultures, barcelona could be bigger man
we advise players to add new standard answer to repertoire. "player epl? i don't want to mentally destabilize my colleague by praising him"
for players of other leagues, they can continue with: "great player, would fit in". cancelling all press meetings is also option we support
on a second thought, we've always thought a private destabilization campaign through text messages would be more effective than a public one
on a third thought, we would advise the club not to sign any mentally unstable players who feel unsettled because of a compliment
if you don't know what this was about: keep it that way :-)
He He det er lidt sjovt, men jeg synes de rammer plet. Jeg er efterhånden godt og grundigt træt af det hykleri som hersker i engelsk fodbold og hos de engelske fans samt medier.

De engelske medier opfinder interviews med Barca spillere, hvor de pådutter dem meninger, herefter går de fleste fans i selvsving. P.L fanbois får så en rigtig god undskyldning for at hade Barca, de er klamme fordi de snakker om andre holds spillere. Managers er det samme, Sir Alex må godt udtale sig om Lucas og erklære sin interesse i ham, eller om Berbatov, eller Van Persie, Wenger må godt sige at han elsker M'Vila, men ingen skal snakke om deres spillere, gør de det, så er det respektløst?

Hvorfor bliver ingen Man Utd fan harm over, at Rooney så sent som i går roste Van Persie til skyerne, og sagde at det ville være fantastisk at spille sammen med ham?. Mig bekendt er han stadig på kontrakt hos Arsenal, og mig bekendt vil Arsenal ikke sælge ham, da slet ikke til Man Utd. Hvorfor er der ingen som snakker om det?. Hvorfor hader de ikke Rooney og Sir Alex på baggrund af disse udtalelser? Sir Alex sagde blandt andet det her;
"I can't give you any more information," said the boss when asked about van Persie after United's 0-0 draw with Barcelona. "We have made a bid and they've been trying to negotiate with other clubs. We just have to persevere. Hopefully it will come our way. We're trying our best but there's no progress at this moment in time.

"I don't have a gut feeling on it at the moment, I must admit. We're not getting any breakthrough with Arsenal. It's difficult to say why they're operating this way. I don't know what their thoughts are because they're not giving anything away."
Her kritiserer han Arsenal eller er sur/frustreret over at de ikke vil forhandle med Man Utd?. Tænk hvis en Barca træner havde sagt det?. Men ja, ingen Man Utd fan der reagerer voldsomt.

Jeg savner også at Wenger går ud og siger at Koscielny og Sagna skal stoppe med at snakke om M'Vila, som stadig er Rennes spiller.

Men ja, sådan er der så meget.

Re: FC Barcelona

: lør aug 11, 2012 1:09 pm
af Visca El Barca
Henrik Larsson: “It’s a pleasure to watch Barça”
Posted at: 17:30 on Friday, August 10, 2012 Category: Ex-Barça, News Written by: Jai
Henrik Larsson: “It’s a pleasure to watch Barça”

Speaking after FC Barcelona’s match against Manchester United in Gothenburg on Wednesday, former Barça and Sweden striker Henrik Larsson (40) admitted that it’s a pleasure to watch Barça in action.

Larsson was at the game between Barça and Manchester United on Wednesday night and seemed to enjoy the match. When asked about his former team, he said, “It is a pleasure to watch Barça. I think they can challenge for everything again. They have such essential players like Xavi, Iniesta, Messi. Right now they are the best team in the world.”

Henrik Larsson, who was at FC Barcelona for two years from 2004 to 2006, moved to Barcelona from Celtic and won 2 Liga titles, 1 Champions League and one Spanish Super Cup during his 2 year tenure at the Catalan club.

When he was quizzed about the contenders for the Ballon d’Or, he said he was sure that Lionel Messi would win it again after his phenomenal season: “Messi, because he’s the best.” Larsson, who was part of the squad when Messi made his debut, remarked, “I remember the first time I saw him in training and it was incredible.”

Henrik Larsson played for Manchester United as well for a brief period of time before returning to Sweden to play for Helsinborg, where he retired as a player. He is now the manager of Landskrona Bols, who play in the Swedish second division.

Read more: ... z23EcZNU17

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn aug 12, 2012 1:42 pm
af Andrés
Seven players took part in all 5 preseason games this summer: Alves, Bartra, Mascherano, Sergi Roberto, Rafinha, Alexis, Afellay [via md]

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn aug 12, 2012 2:23 pm
af Andrés
Barcelona's all-time topscorers (incl friendlies): Alcantara 369 - Samitier 326 - Cesar 291 - Messi 275 - Kubala 274

Re: FC Barcelona

: man aug 13, 2012 8:50 pm
af ulrich

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs aug 14, 2012 2:44 pm
af Visca El Barca
Barcelona will start the season with 5 official games (plus Gamper) in 15 days #fcblive Sociedad, Madrid, Osasuna, Madrid, Valencia [via md]
Vi starter med et umenneskeligt program.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs aug 14, 2012 2:51 pm
af Visca El Barca
Most Liga penalties awarded last season: Real Madrid 13 - Barcelona 11 - Villarreal 9 - Levante 8 #fcblive [via @allthingsmessi]
Et godt tegn på, at man oftest ikke kan bruge statistisk til noget som helst. Det der er jo misvisende, meget belejligt fik vi straffesparks i bunkevis, da det hele var afgjort og Real var mestre. Billedet var andet, da vi lå og kæmpede med om mesterskabet, hvem husker ikke Osasuna kampen, Espanyol kampen, bare for at nævne to.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs aug 14, 2012 2:54 pm
af Visca El Barca
Barcelona at this moment has 8 foreigners in the first team squad, which is the lowest number since the 1995-96 season (5) [via fcb]

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs aug 14, 2012 7:33 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs aug 14, 2012 11:44 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr

Re: FC Barcelona

: ons aug 15, 2012 6:00 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr

Re: FC Barcelona

: tors aug 16, 2012 9:25 pm
af Visca El Barca
68% of FC Barcelona’s first team squad are players groomed in the La Masia – far exceeding the percentage of first team academy players in any other club.

Bayern Munich are a distant second with 38%.
Det er noget der gør mig stolt som fan. I år kan vi for første gang stille et rent La Masia hold, og det hold vil være tæt på verdens bedste, det er noget at være stolt over.


Montoya - Pique - Puyi - Alba


Xavi - Ini

Leo - Cesc - Pedro

Og så kan vi endda have Bartra, Thiago, Tello, Cuenca på bænken, det er virkelig imponerende synes jeg.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tors aug 16, 2012 9:26 pm
af Visca El Barca
FC Barcelona has so far signed only one new player for the 2012-13 season, Jordi Alba. The last time the club signed only a single new player in the off-season was back in 1993-4. The signing: none other than Romário. His price: 12 million Euros.

Image: Sport