Real Madrid

Diskussion om den La Liga og andre spanske klubber

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg


Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Fcbarcelona2009 »

Elbarca skrev:Stadig ingen tegn overhovedet på den overlegenhed som de selv ser i eget spejlbillede. Året før tabte de hjemme 3-2 til milan og spillede anden kamp uafgjort. De har ikke været i nærheden af at præstere det vi har gjort mod de store klubber. Tilmed har vi gang på gang ydmyget dem.
Ved ikke om jbinc er af samme overbevisning men vi er vel et tophold?

Bayern har på papiret et nogenlunde lige så godt hold som real.
Det har bayern så ihvertfal ikke. bayern er et stærkt hold ja, men vil gerne se dem mod Os, Eller madrid. hvis vi ser på begge deres ideal opstiling, burde der ikke være nogen tvivl om hvilket der er bedst. de er dog ikk langt fra madrid, men de er ikke i nærheden af os.

det bedste XI med mix af real og bayern

Lahm- Boateng- Buyten- Rafinha

REAL: Casillas


Bayern= 4

Indlæg: 1657
Tilmeldt: man apr 25, 2005 11:32 pm
Har takket: 101 gange
Blevet takket: 66 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Elbarca »

Reals hold er bedre men det er ikke meget bedre. Det gælder også om at være bedst mod så mange hold som muligt. Lige netop Bayern tror jeg Real har gode muligheder for at slå men bedre organiserede hold som Milan, City, United og chelsea ser jeg dem ikke som favoritter imod.

Indlæg: 10723
Tilmeldt: ons dec 06, 2006 12:52 am
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 178 gange
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Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af zqa »

Di Maria over Robben og Ribéry? Ha ha ha ha.

Indlæg: 1657
Tilmeldt: man apr 25, 2005 11:32 pm
Har takket: 101 gange
Blevet takket: 66 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Elbarca »

Robben og Ribery er verdensklasse. Hvad gør det de Maria til? Messi klasse?

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Det er ogsaa en maerkelig maade at saette holdet paa. Lahm spiller hoejreback og Rafinha venstreback f.eks., hvis man stiller det op saaledes f.eks. saa er de to bedre end henholdsvis Arbeloa og Marcelo. Di Maria er ikke bedre end hverken Ribery eller Robben og saadan kan man blive ved.

Jeg mener dog ikke det er helt korrekt at bedoemme et hold, hvor man giver spillerene point eller saetter dem op mod hinanden. Man skal derimod kigge paa holdet som helhed, truppen, traeneren, fundament i klubben, spilfilosofi og spillestil. Lige nu er Real bedre end Bayern paa naesten samtlige punkter, det er jeg enig i. Men, som sagt, hvis jeg skal finde en rival til Barca eller Real i C.L, saa kommer den stoerste trussel fra Bayern lige p.t.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 7078
Tilmeldt: lør sep 02, 2006 9:33 pm
Geografisk sted: Galten
Har takket: 127 gange
Blevet takket: 851 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Daluigi »

Det er simpelthen så infantil og ubrugelig sammenligning som noget kan være, når man sætter spillerne op overfor hinanden.

Som Visca siger, så bliver man nødt til at se på spillestil, taktiske dispositioner, spillernes individuelle opgaver og hvorledes de løser disse.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca » ... mpard.html

Det er nu vi skal ryste i bukserne!. Fat Frank kommer angiveligt til Bernabeu!.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 8941
Tilmeldt: man aug 31, 2009 7:03 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksberg
Har takket: 1752 gange
Blevet takket: 1029 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Skydefinten »

Fedt. Håber inderligt at de køber ham, hvis Mourinho tror at det er ham der kan smadre vores midtbane i El Classico kampene!
Take away his goals, you’re left with his assists. Take away his assists, you’re left with his dribbles. Take away his dribbles, and you’re left with his key passes.. And most of the time, you get all of it together in 90 minutes. Lionel Messi.

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
Blevet takket: 1168 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Han vil alligevel ikke kunne fange vores små boldekrilibrister!


Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Hotnuk »

Det kunne faktisk være sjovt og se ham i den spanske liga - for den engelske er jo trods alt sååååå god og de spiler den bedste bold der i England.

Ikke fordi jeg tror et sekund på han vil gøre det godt i Spanien - men sjovt ville det se ud ;-)

# 23
Indlæg: 2779
Tilmeldt: tors apr 08, 2010 5:23 pm
Geografisk sted: Old Trafford
Har takket: 30 gange
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Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af # 23 »

Hvis Lampard kommer til Real, ville Real i hvert fald få en meget målfarlig midtbanespiller. Men han er sgu ikke nøglen til at slå Barca. Men hans profil passer til Reals omstillingsspil, og hans dybdeløb og øje for mål vil uden tvivl berige Real i teoretisk forstand. Spørgsmålet er så bare, om han kan følge med i det tekniske niveau, som har mere andel i flair og små kropsfinter, fremfor lange, direkte bolde og langskud, som han forsøger sig med i Chelsea..
Den største nogensinde? Ronaldinho <3 El magico!

Indlæg: 17811
Tilmeldt: fre sep 23, 2005 2:12 pm
Geografisk sted: Fyn/Odense
Har takket: 367 gange
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Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af emo »

33-34 årig... ah, Real.

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
Blevet takket: 1168 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Mou: “I already see that the Culés have had a very happy 2011
… but I remind you all that my second seasons are my best ones.”

Pep: “Well, mine are the fourth.”

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Hotnuk skrev:Det kunne faktisk være sjovt og se ham i den spanske liga - for den engelske er jo trods alt sååååå god og de spiler den bedste bold der i England.

Ikke fordi jeg tror et sekund på han vil gøre det godt i Spanien - men sjovt ville det se ud ;-)
Den spanske liga kontra den engelske, det giver altid anledning til debat. Jeg kan huske at jeg har haft mange diskussioner om lige netop dette. La Liga bliver tit beskyldt for at vaere to holds liga, og at der ikke er spaending om mesterskabet.

Hvis man dog lige kigger paa den engelske Liga, saa har et Man Utd hold, som nok ikke er det staerkeste, og nok mindst et niveau under Barca, ligger nr. 2 i ligaen og har smidt 9 point. Til sammenligning ligger vi ogsaa nr. 2, men har smidt 11 point. City, som ikke er staerkere end Real, ligger nr. 1 i ligaen og har smidt 7 point, Real har smidt 8.

Forskellen mellem nr. 1 og nr. 4 i Baade Spanien og England er noejagtig det samme, nem.lig 11 point. Mit spoergsmaal er, er P.L stadig den bedste liga, hvis ja, hvorfor?
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Real Madrid

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

En rigtig god artikel skrevet af Sid Lowe i sportsillustrated. Den handler om El Clasico, men jeg synes han har flere gode pointer, som giver et godt billede af Real, isaer under portugiseren.
Some more postgame thoughts following Barcelona's 3-1 win over Real Madrid in the clásico:

Barcelona's very own Captain Caveman, with his heart on his sleeve and his hair in his eyes. A real captain too and far more important than some realize. Carles Puyol was absent the last seven times Barcelona lost. You have to go back 44 games to find the last time they were defeated with him in the side. Since then, it's 37 wins and 7 draws with him, 33 wins, 10 draws 7 defeats without. Coincidence? No. It is Puyol who maintains the tension and edge -- Gerard Piqué gigglingly recalls the time Puyol screamed at him to focus even though Barcelona were 3-0 up, there were barely minutes left and the physics were on attending to an injured teammate -- and brings aggression and organization to a defense, to a whole side, that occasionally lacks it. He brings them calm when necessary, too. When Barcelona let in the first goal after 22 seconds, Puyol acted immediately -- getting in the face of everyone. Everyone except goalkeper Victor Valdés, with whom his words were rather quieter. And, for all the pressure, the message wasn't to stop playing passes and start booting it but to do quite the opposite.


An excellent defender whose wild hacks -- all legs and arms flailing about, feet ending up way above his head like Bobby Charlton post-30-yarder in 1966 -- and desire to do everything faster and harder, not just to clear the ball but to try to burst it, are an unnecessary risk.

The man who normally gets blamed. This time, some wanted a red card for Leo Messi but even the Madrid newspapers, proud of being partisan, admitted that the Argentine should not have been sent off. And although Jose Mourinho said he thought there should have been a red card when it happened -- at the time, he leapt to his feet complaining and turned to the fans, gesturing for them to play their part -- he admitted afterward that he couldn't be sure because he was a long way away and the ref was closer. "I don't want to say until I have seen a reply," he said. Which probably suggests he already had seen a replay. The first yellow was petty -- Messi was booked for telling the referee that he wasn't giving Barcelona anything but, according to the official report, there was no abuse, no swearing -- and the second offense was a pretty ordinary foul on Xabi Alonso. That said, rule book in hand, a red would not have been a complete scandal. And there has not been a complete scandal either, which is good. It's nice to have a clásico fall out that does not hinge on some ludicrous conspiracy theory. You might not know who the ref was on Saturday night. Let's keep it that way.

All across the Madrid media there were few complaints, just a recognition that Madrid had beaten again -- and justly. On Monday, though, Marca had spun into everything's fine propaganda mode, designed to defend and laud the man that really matters. And, no, it's not necessarily Mourinho. There were no recriminations, no analysis, no criticism. Three pages, including the cover, are dedicated to president Florentino Pérez going down to the dressing room and giving the players "strength" and support, his appearance proving a comforting "balm" as, with "entereza" (roughly, strength in adversity), he told them they could still win the league. The headline reads: "Florentino comes onto the pitch." Because that's worked so well before. Page four led on the captains of the team apparently backing Cristiano Ronaldo. Page five featured Alfredo Di Stéfano's column which takes the blame for not wearing his lucky sweater -- luck deserted us, he says, but defeat will bring even more meaning to the league. And page 6 declares Mourinho to have been "up to the task" -- for, erm, shaking Pep Guardiola's hand.

At times, still doesn't look entirely comfortable in a role that is still new to him, off the forward, and occasionally appeared unsure as to where to move on Saturday night. But Cesc now has eight goals this season -- and, perhaps surprisingly, offers an aerial presence few Barcelona players can.

The result inevitably diminishes his role, eclipsing his performance, but Barcelona's victory should not blind us to the way that Benzema played.

Madrid's best player by far. Skillful, clever, powerful and quick. And coolheaded. Scored the first, provided what should have been the second for Ronaldo, and was intelligent and incisive throughout.

Mourinho said that luck had played a big part in this result and you could sort of see his point -- Ronaldo's miss, Xavi's goal, Kaká's shot going wide off Valdés' elbow. When it was put to him, he also conceded that the results against Barcelona had not gone his way. Although he could not remember the exact numbers, he has won just one clásico of eight against Barcelona. He claimed the one that he did win -- the final of the Copa del Rey -- was the most important but that is not really true. And, anyway, he said, the figures are one thing but with the passage of time people forget how results happened. He then noted the red card for Pepe and the disallowed goal and left the sentence trailing -- a kind of verbal "..." that invited other reasons to be added. Reasons? Excuses. Excuses the likes of which were not entertained when he won --- with Porto, Chelsea or Inter. Instead, an objective fact was presented in the form of his trophies.

All of which is quite right and on Saturday night he might even have had a point. But it clashed with his legend that is built around him, the one that is founded on a single fact: Mourinho wins. The reality is that against Barcelona, he has not so far. That is the risk of reducing the narrative to success. There is no doubt that Madrid has improved and that it is a fantastically good team, winning 15 on the trot going into this match. It might even be favorite to win the league still. But the one team against whom it is truly measured is Barcelona and against Barcelona it was defeated again. If your entire identity is based on winning, the day you stop winning you have nothing. All the more so in Mourinho's case because he was explicitly brought in to defeat Barcelona. The question, and it is even being asked by his supporters, is: what now, Mou?

It is often assumed that Guardiola wins simply because he has the best players. It shouldn't be. This was a tactical success too, switching from a back four to a back three
]with Sergio Busquets dropping into and out of the defense. Iniesta went left, Alves right and Messi was everywhere. Only Alexis really played up front, dashing across the line to keep Madrid's defense occupied -- snarling and competing and diving. And finishing brilliantly when he got the chance.

It's all Ronaldo's fault, apparently. A section of the Santiago Bernabéu whistled Cristiano Ronaldo, a readers' poll on Marca's website gave him an average rating of 1.8 out of 10 and the paper itself rated him as 0 out of 3. One of the things that no one picked up on was that every time Ronaldo faced Gerard Piqué he dived -- as if he did not trust himself to go beyond the defender. What they did pick up on was what Jose Mourinho noted. Madrid's coach claimed that the game might have been different had Ronaldo taken his chance at 1-0. And there was the fluffed header in the second half. "Ronaldo is a fantastic player," the coach said, "and he normally scores them."

That "normally" is the point. On Monday morning the sports newspaper AS led on "Cristiano breaks down against Barcelona." Ronaldo's average is better than a goal a game, yet against Barcelona he only has a goal every 301 minutes and in 10 matches against them as a Real Madrid player he has only won once. This was not the first time he has missed a golden opportunity against Barça. He even missed a penalty against them for Manchester United.

So the old argument re-emerged: Ronaldo as a flat track bully, scoring irrelevant goals against irrelevant teams. He can't do it in big games, they say. Others noted the psychological anxiety he suffers when he comes up against Barcelona -- and Messi.

First of all, big games are by definition the hardest ones against the hardest opponents. Secondly, Ronaldo scored the winner in the Copa del Rey (Manchester United fans will recall that he scored in the Champions League final too), it is hard to make judgments on what's going on in his head, and focusing all the attention on a single player is unfair. As for the rubbish against Barcelona argument, many players are rubbish against Barcelona.

Perhaps the problem comes with his status. Ronaldo is a very, very good player -- a brilliant one, in fact -- but probably not at the level that has been created by? for? him. The fact that he has become Madrid's franchise player helps to foster rejection -- not all of it really of his own making -- while his personality does that too. Most of the "arrogant" remarks he makes are actually delivered tongue in cheek and there is a certain charm about him one on one, but the posturing on the pitch is provocative, even for his own fans. The fact that he dominates everything and not always to great success -- he has taken 22 free kicks this season and not scored one, for example -- makes him an obvious target.

And then there are the inevitable comparisons with the man against whom he is so often measured. The best photo to come out of the clásico appeared in Marca. It showed Ronaldo appearing to go down on one knee before Messi, bowing in deference, recognizing the Argentine's superiority.

And that's the thing. Ronaldo is brilliant but Messi is better.

That picture.

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Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."



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