Thiago Alcantara

Diskussion vedr. spillere fra andre klubber

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
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Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Piquénbauer skrev: ... a-anything

Den er god nok. Han har udtalt det til el pais. Hvis man stadig kan forsvare manden nu så er man da helt ude og skide.

"I would have left Barcelona for any team, just so I would no longer be warming the bench.". Kæft for en idiot! Han skal aldrig tilbage til barca.
Hvor jeg dog håber at Rafinha har bare lidt mere mellem ørene end Thiago.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
Har takket: 378 gange
Blevet takket: 1616 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

Amir hvad siger du så til den udtalelse nu hvor der er kommet kilde på?
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!


Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af amirjanzel »

Hahahha, wow - he really is a bitch. Tager det til gengæld som en kompliment til klubben, at han stadig har så ondt i røven.


Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af amirjanzel »

For at rode lidt rundt igen:
He made errors in his time here but it's obviously not a huge indicator for a young player. Every transfer has a push and pull factor, his was no different. Pep was the pull factor that brought him to Bayern specifically, but it didn't push him out of the club.

What did push him out was Tito. Thiago's playing time was erratic and often irrelevant. He AT LEAST deserved the consideration of the manager to play in a few meaningless league games after we had already won the title to keep the buyout from being as low as it was, it would've showed some sort of belief and desire for him to stay. It's myth to say that he had some sort of bratty attitude and wanted more than he deserved while our other players were firing it up on a regular basis. Cesc was having his 2nd half season syndrome, Xavi was overplayed to the point of fatigue and painkillers (which, yes is a big deal) and showed no impressive form of his own. Iniesta was our only consistently awesome midfielder last season.

Thiago himself was 5th in our MOTM thread (3rd in the chart dividing votes by playing time) which is a fairly consensus opinion, check the archives for yourself. Those who said he showed nothing to deserve more playing time last season are fooling themselves. He had brilliant matches vs Athletic, Espanyol, Zaragoza, Deportivo, Getafe, and a few other decent ones. He warranted trust and was fully capable of handling himself apart from some bad moments. All the hate and mention of isolated errors came in the summer when the transfer speculation started.

In the end he didn't even leave because of ONE season of less than desirable playing time partly due to injury. This wasn't a case of him "wanting to be undisputed starter without earning it blah blah blah", he just wanted more faith and effort from the coach to give him a role of importance rather than cast him off as "reserve player" or "4th best". He left because there was little effort from the coach to incorporate or trust him, and that itself is damn obvious. Tito's words: "I can't promise him anymore playing time" and nothing after that to try and get him to stay. He said that despite Xavi continuing to age, despite Thiago being a massive prospect for us, and despite the fact that he did play well. He couldn't even give him enough minutes to keep him at the club ffs! That's horrible management. Pep's words: "Thiago is the only one I want". It doesn't take a Nobel Prize winner to tell which manager had more faith in him, and look how well that's payed off. Thiago's talent was nurtured and now he's shining for Bayern and even with the NT vs. Italy. He's not undisputed starter for Bayern (other than what he's EARNED) and he's constantly saying how happy he is there. This is in a midfield which is more competitive and has much more depth than ours, goes to show how much of an impact coaching had to do in his move.

It was very short-sighted to restrict his playing time off of a pea-brained seniority system that leaves no competition for starting places and just hands it to the veterans. Calling him a reserve shows how the distribution of games was based solely off of reputation and peak quality, not taking into account factors such as fatigue, age, form, player trajectory, etc. which is what any professional management should be doing. After that, it was taken a step further in arrogance with the whole "Can't promise him anything about the future" as if that's a sign of bending to his will. He had earned more trust for the next season, he wasn't just asking for it without working which is what the high and mighty "no one is bigger than the club" mantra would suggest.

Thiago isn't exactly a rooted loyalist but it's a joke to expect that of anyone in modern football (Xavi himself was near a Milan move at one point). He had ambition and a desire to grow, but with Tito and the coaching staff neglecting him so clearly I don't blame him for wanting to find his way somewhere else. It's a shame because Tata would eventually take over and he would've given him trust but that's a matter of hindsight.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
Har takket: 378 gange
Blevet takket: 1616 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

amirjanzel skrev:For at rode lidt rundt igen
Nooooooo ;-) Why amir, why?
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!

Indlæg: 17807
Tilmeldt: fre sep 23, 2005 2:12 pm
Geografisk sted: Fyn/Odense
Har takket: 367 gange
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Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af emo »

Det er jo en mands mening, er det ikke skrevet af en fan? Det er jo som vi ser på det og som vi tolker det.


Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af amirjanzel »

Piquénbauer skrev:
amirjanzel skrev:For at rode lidt rundt igen
Nooooooo ;-) Why amir, why?
Hahahahha, sorry. Dunno, nok mest fordi jeg er splittet, og ikke helt kan finde ud af, hvad jeg skal synes om det hele. Prøver ligesom at finde hoved og hale på affæren, og samtidig med at mange af pointerne i indlægget giver god mening for mig, synes jeg også lidt, at Thiago er en lille bitch.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
Har takket: 378 gange
Blevet takket: 1616 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

amirjanzel skrev:
Piquénbauer skrev:
amirjanzel skrev:For at rode lidt rundt igen
Nooooooo ;-) Why amir, why?
Hahahahha, sorry. Dunno, nok mest fordi jeg er splittet, og ikke helt kan finde ud af, hvad jeg skal synes om det hele. Prøver ligesom at finde hoved og hale på affæren, og samtidig med at mange af pointerne i indlægget giver god mening for mig, synes jeg også lidt, at Thiago er en lille bitch.
Kan sagtens forstå dig! Det er en lorte sag og thiago skulle være blevet i klubben. Men det er en blanding af flere ting. Dårlig kontrakt. Thiago som måske har været for krævende -> dårligt forhold til tito. Tito ikke god nok med thiago. En ting er sikkert. Vi mistede en alt for god spiller til alt for billige penge.
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!

Indlæg: 2856
Tilmeldt: ons apr 22, 2009 1:53 pm
Geografisk sted: Århus med Å
Har takket: 51 gange
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Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Mander »

Blaugrana92 skrev:Er manden komplet idiot?

Spille regelmæssigt, jeg ønsker at spille, bla bla fucking bla. Du spillede, dit fæ. Du spillede endda rigtig meget i forhold til din klub, din position og dine holdkammerater. Det er vrøvl af værste skuffe, at sige at han ikke spillede regelmæssigt. Alt det der med 'tillid' og 'tro' er svært for alle os at vide noget om, men hvad angår spilletid er det altså forfærdeligt let for os at se om manden har ret eller ej. Og han er bare fuld af lort i det her tilfælde.
Han spillede ikke noget nær så meget, som han havde fortjent - i stedet for at vise vores største talent, at han var fremtidens styrmand, valgte man at holde fast i uduelige Cesc og en udkørt Xavi gang på gang, præcis som denne sæson. Det er tilsyneladende omdømme, der bestemmer, hvem der får lov at spille kampe for klubben.

(og ja, ved godt at indlægget er gammelt)
I have been complimented many times and they always embarrass me; I always feel that they have not said enough.

Indlæg: 894
Tilmeldt: man feb 01, 2010 7:14 pm
Geografisk sted: Århus
Har takket: 157 gange
Blevet takket: 24 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Jurij »

Piquénbauer skrev:
amirjanzel skrev:
Piquénbauer skrev:
amirjanzel skrev:For at rode lidt rundt igen
Nooooooo ;-) Why amir, why?
Hahahahha, sorry. Dunno, nok mest fordi jeg er splittet, og ikke helt kan finde ud af, hvad jeg skal synes om det hele. Prøver ligesom at finde hoved og hale på affæren, og samtidig med at mange af pointerne i indlægget giver god mening for mig, synes jeg også lidt, at Thiago er en lille bitch.
Kan sagtens forstå dig! Det er en lorte sag og thiago skulle være blevet i klubben. Men det er en blanding af flere ting. Dårlig kontrakt. Thiago som måske har været for krævende -> dårligt forhold til tito. Tito ikke god nok med thiago. En ting er sikkert. Vi mistede en alt for god spiller til alt for billige penge.
Enig, Tito har sikkert haft en dårlig historie med Thiago. Det sker. Men Thiago har altid været en nar, så det er okay, at han er væk. Hans far snakkede om Real Madrid interesser og andet, til grin.
Genopbygning status: færdig.

Indlæg: 894
Tilmeldt: man feb 01, 2010 7:14 pm
Geografisk sted: Århus
Har takket: 157 gange
Blevet takket: 24 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Jurij »

Jurij skrev:
Piquénbauer skrev:
amirjanzel skrev:
Piquénbauer skrev:
amirjanzel skrev:For at rode lidt rundt igen
Nooooooo ;-) Why amir, why?
Hahahahha, sorry. Dunno, nok mest fordi jeg er splittet, og ikke helt kan finde ud af, hvad jeg skal synes om det hele. Prøver ligesom at finde hoved og hale på affæren, og samtidig med at mange af pointerne i indlægget giver god mening for mig, synes jeg også lidt, at Thiago er en lille bitch.
Kan sagtens forstå dig! Det er en lorte sag og thiago skulle være blevet i klubben. Men det er en blanding af flere ting. Dårlig kontrakt. Thiago som måske har været for krævende -> dårligt forhold til tito. Tito ikke god nok med thiago. En ting er sikkert. Vi mistede en alt for god spiller til alt for billige penge.
Enig, Tito har sikkert haft en dårlig historie med Thiago. Det sker. Men Thiago har altid været en nar (jeg kan godt lide ham, ikke det), så det er okay, at han er væk. Hans far snakkede om Real Madrid interesser og andet, til grin.
Genopbygning status: færdig.


Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af gygfo »

Bittert - Thiago forlader os for at få spilletid nok til at komme med til VM. Så bliver han skadet, og misser derfor VM...

Indlæg: 1599
Tilmeldt: man jul 02, 2007 3:42 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 24 gange
Blevet takket: 178 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Champione »

gygfo skrev:Bittert - Thiago forlader os for at få spilletid nok til at komme med til VM. Så bliver han skadet, og misser derfor VM...
Bittert at han forlader os for at få fast spilletid - og ikke spiller fast.. (Dog primært skader)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Barca is my religion!

Indlæg: 8064
Tilmeldt: lør apr 28, 2012 2:23 pm
Har takket: 46 gange
Blevet takket: 632 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Storken »

Sangen 'Every Rose has it's Thorn' forklarer egentlig mit forhold til Thiago her lidt tid efter:

Though it's been a while now
I can still feel so much pain
Like the knife that cuts you
The wound heals, but the scar, that scar remains
I know I could have saved our love that night
If I'd known what to say
Instead if making love
We both made our separate ways
Now I hear you've found somebody new
And that I never meant that much to you
To hear that tears me up inside
And to see you cuts me like a knife

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
Blevet takket: 403 gange

Re: Thiago Alcantara

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Champione skrev:
gygfo skrev:Bittert - Thiago forlader os for at få spilletid nok til at komme med til VM. Så bliver han skadet, og misser derfor VM...
Bittert at han forlader os for at få fast spilletid - og ikke spiller fast.. (Dog primært skader)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Han var da med blandt de 30, har de siet ham fra?

Edit: Never mind, så lige at han ikke er blevet helt klar efter skaden, og det er derfor han misser VM.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."



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