1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Diskussion vedr. spillere fra FC Barcelona

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg


Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

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Piquénbauer skrev:Ter stegen er jo også god i feltet. Et hurtigt smut ind på whoscored og så ville du se at han griber flere indlæg end courtois pr kamp.
Selvfølgelig er Ter Stegen god i feltet, men Courtois er stadig lidt i en klasse for sig selv. Ter Stegen har flere redninger. Courtois har spillet flere kampe og har et langt mindre målsnit pr. kamp. Men vi skal ikke diskutere Courtois vs Ter Stegen, du sagde jo også selv at Courtois klart er verdens største talent i målet. Min pointe var bare at fordelen ved Courtois er større end ulempen. Vi kan godt gå på kompromi, han er jo hellere ikke Pinto. Men fred være med det, Ter Stegen er under alle omstændigheder langt bedre end Pinto, og jeg fortækker ham også over Valdes.

Indlæg: 390
Tilmeldt: fre jun 07, 2013 8:31 am
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af Nói NPO »

mozadreve skrev:
Piquénbauer skrev:Ter stegen er jo også god i feltet. Et hurtigt smut ind på whoscored og så ville du se at han griber flere indlæg end courtois pr kamp.
Selvfølgelig er Ter Stegen god i feltet, men Courtois er stadig lidt i en klasse for sig selv. Ter Stegen har flere redninger. Courtois har spillet flere kampe og har et langt mindre målsnit pr. kamp. Men vi skal ikke diskutere Courtois vs Ter Stegen, du sagde jo også selv at Courtois klart er verdens største talent i målet. Min pointe var bare at fordelen ved Courtois er større end ulempen. Vi kan godt gå på kompromi, han er jo hellere ikke Pinto. Men fred være med det, Ter Stegen er under alle omstændigheder langt bedre end Pinto, og jeg fortækker ham også over Valdes.
Over Valdes? WTF! Valdes har lige spillet sit livs sæson! Hverken Courtois eller Ter Stegen har været i nærheden af Valdes denne sæson! Kan huske et par straffespark i Efteråret blandt andet hvor jeg slet ikke var i tvivl om at han ville snuppe dem..... Sorry, men i Barca betyder det altså også en del at han er opvokset i klubben og er en af vores anførere. Det vil ALTID være at fortrække frem for en ung belgier der ikke ville passe ind i vores opspil.
Den lille ananas

Indlæg: 21000
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Dominguez (Monchengladbach): "Ter Stegen will be able to deal with the pressure at Camp Nou. He's very mature, on and off the pitch." [ser]

Dominguez (Monchengladbach): "Ter Stegen likes to play with a high defensive line. I don't know any goalkeeper who's better with his feet."


Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af mozadreve »

Nói NPO skrev:
mozadreve skrev:Over Valdes? WTF! Valdes har lige spillet sit livs sæson! Hverken Courtois eller Ter Stegen har været i nærheden af Valdes denne sæson! Kan huske et par straffespark i Efteråret blandt andet hvor jeg slet ikke var i tvivl om at han ville snuppe dem..... Sorry, men i Barca betyder det altså også en del at han er opvokset i klubben og er en af vores anførere. Det vil ALTID være at fortrække frem for en ung belgier der ikke ville passe ind i vores opspil.
Nu snakkede jeg om Ter Stegen, men ja jeg ville også fortrække Courtois over Valdes. Valdes er generelt fantastisk, men jeg husker flere gange hvor han i de aller vigtigste kampe (ofte el clasico) brød sammen og lave sjusk fejl. Det kan man bare ikke på det niveau. Som målmand mener jeg ikke at det betyder særlig meget at man er opvokset i klubben. Talentet vejer for alt i verden mest for mig, og her er Courtois i en liga for sig selv. Til gengæld er Courtois ikke lige så stærk som Valdes på fødderne, men nu er det også en målmand og her spiller fødderne ikke en så stor rolle med mindre man er helt væk som Pinto. Ter Stegen er nok på samme niveau som Valdes lige nu (i en alder af bare 22).

Indlæg: 1657
Tilmeldt: man apr 25, 2005 11:32 pm
Har takket: 101 gange
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af Elbarca »

Total utroværdig ham Dominguez. Som om han ikke kender legenden Pinto

Indlæg: 10795
Tilmeldt: lør okt 27, 2012 10:26 pm
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af PuyolErGud »

mozadreve skrev:
Nói NPO skrev:
mozadreve skrev:Over Valdes? WTF! Valdes har lige spillet sit livs sæson! Hverken Courtois eller Ter Stegen har været i nærheden af Valdes denne sæson! Kan huske et par straffespark i Efteråret blandt andet hvor jeg slet ikke var i tvivl om at han ville snuppe dem..... Sorry, men i Barca betyder det altså også en del at han er opvokset i klubben og er en af vores anførere. Det vil ALTID være at fortrække frem for en ung belgier der ikke ville passe ind i vores opspil.
Nu snakkede jeg om Ter Stegen, men ja jeg ville også fortrække Courtois over Valdes. Valdes er generelt fantastisk, men jeg husker flere gange hvor han i de aller vigtigste kampe (ofte el clasico) brød sammen og lave sjusk fejl. Det kan man bare ikke på det niveau. Som målmand mener jeg ikke at det betyder særlig meget at man er opvokset i klubben. Talentet vejer for alt i verden mest for mig, og her er Courtois i en liga for sig selv. Til gengæld er Courtois ikke lige så stærk som Valdes på fødderne, men nu er det også en målmand og her spiller fødderne ikke en så stor rolle med mindre man er helt væk som Pinto. Ter Stegen er nok på samme niveau som Valdes lige nu (i en alder af bare 22).

Ser du ikke Barca spille siden du ikke mener, at fødderne ikke spiller en rolle? Der er jo en grund til, at man skal være god med fødderne, så man ikke ender med at se ud som Pinto gjorde gang på gang. At du mener at Ter Stegen allerede er på niveau med Valdes siger vel ikke så lidt. Selvfølgelig er han ikke det, og det er der heller ikke nogle der forventer.

Indlæg: 390
Tilmeldt: fre jun 07, 2013 8:31 am
Har takket: 135 gange
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af Nói NPO »

mozadreve skrev:
Nói NPO skrev:
mozadreve skrev:Over Valdes? WTF! Valdes har lige spillet sit livs sæson! Hverken Courtois eller Ter Stegen har været i nærheden af Valdes denne sæson! Kan huske et par straffespark i Efteråret blandt andet hvor jeg slet ikke var i tvivl om at han ville snuppe dem..... Sorry, men i Barca betyder det altså også en del at han er opvokset i klubben og er en af vores anførere. Det vil ALTID være at fortrække frem for en ung belgier der ikke ville passe ind i vores opspil.
Nu snakkede jeg om Ter Stegen, men ja jeg ville også fortrække Courtois over Valdes. Valdes er generelt fantastisk, men jeg husker flere gange hvor han i de aller vigtigste kampe (ofte el clasico) brød sammen og lave sjusk fejl. Det kan man bare ikke på det niveau. Som målmand mener jeg ikke at det betyder særlig meget at man er opvokset i klubben. Talentet vejer for alt i verden mest for mig, og her er Courtois i en liga for sig selv. Til gengæld er Courtois ikke lige så stærk som Valdes på fødderne, men nu er det også en målmand og her spiller fødderne ikke en så stor rolle med mindre man er helt væk som Pinto. Ter Stegen er nok på samme niveau som Valdes lige nu (i en alder af bare 22).
Ja, han har nok lavet en smutter eller to i El Clasico, i de tolv år han har stået på mål for os. Lidt argument at konkludere at han laver fejl i store kampe på baggrund af det. Desuden er det fortid. Hvis Valdes ikke var blevet skadet er jeg nu også ret sikker på at vi havde snuppet både CDR og ligaen, men det kan gætte på.
I DENNE HER SÆSON (læg mærke til at jeg ikke snakker om fortiden, men den lige overståede sæson. Hvis vi skulle tage nogle af de fejl med som Courtois lavede for 7 år siden med ville Valle stadig være bedst :razz: ) har Valdes efter min mening været den bedste i verden (når han ikke har været skadet). Og hvis der er nogen klub i verden hvor det kommer til udtryk om man er god med fødderne er det da Barca. Har du ikke set hvordan Pinto har formået at skabe uro i vores opspil med hans cirkus show?
Den lille ananas

Indlæg: 21000
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Ter Stegen: "Barça, also when I was a kid, has been a dream for me. It was the only option I have considered." [fcb]
Ter Stegen: "Pressure? I know what's coming, I've been informed. I know people want everything and I'll do all I can for Barça to triumph."
Ter Stegen: "Twitter is more popular in Spain than in Germany. It wouldn't be a bad thing to start an account so fans can know me better."

Indlæg: 18524
Tilmeldt: tors jan 25, 2007 9:50 pm
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af Blaugrana92 »

Jeg tror virkelig at han kan blive en populær herre. Han virker helt klar til at omstille sig til livet i Spanien med alt hvad det medfører. Nyt sprog, ny kultur, nye mennesker, han virker så klar til det hele. Og så virker han præcis ligeså professionel, som man automatisk tænker at han må være, når nu han er tysker.

Indlæg: 21000
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Enig. Er ret sikker på at han har det der skal til for at slå til i Barcelona. Så længe han får den tid han har brug for, er jeg overbevist om at han nok skal blive en vigtig spiller for os. Forventer mig meget af ham.

Indlæg: 21000
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Ter Stegen’s first interview


Marc-André Ter Stegen had a big week last week. He signed and was presented for FC Barcelona, made his first appearance on the pitch at the Camp Nou and now must prepare to take on the pressure of joining the blaugrana team and all that that will bring. Follow the jump for his first interview for the club.

How does it feel to have signed for FC Barcelona?

“It’s a really novel sensation for me to play in a different club. I’m delighted and looking forward to the job I have to do here.”

Did you ever imagine you’d get to play for Barça?

“Barça has been a dream for me ever since I was a kid. It was, and is, the only option I considered. I’ve been given this chance and I’m really happy to be here, and I’m looking forward to getting out there on the pitch and playing.”

People have been talking about you (signing for Barça) for months. Was it difficult not to say anything?

“I had some important matches with Borussia Mönchengladbach and I concentrated on my job. I prefer to focus on the next game rather than on the future. You can do something about the here and now, but the future has still to come. I’m very happy to say that from next season, I’ll be playing for Barça.”

What are you looking for from your time at Barça?

“I hope we’re successful. That’s very important for the team and for me. I want to help the team keep growing. I want to show what I can do and give my team-mates the feeling that they’ve got someone who can do a good job covering their backs, and that I’m OK with that. I believe it’s the perfect job for me.”

What goals are you setting yourself?

“It’ll be important to get used to the language. That’s the most important thing. To make myself understood with the rest of the players, and I want to do that right from the outset. I also want to keep on getting better, adapting to the language and to a new culture. If I manage to do that, then I believe everything will be OK.”

How long have you been learning Spanish?

“It’s been difficult over that last few weeks. It was the final part of the season for Borussia Mönchengladbach and I was focused on that because it was very important how I left there. So I haven’t been able to do much about it in the past few months. But I’m trying to improve and I hope when I start training I will know a bit more than at the moment.”

I suppose you were able to practice with Álvaro Domínguez and Juan Arango?

“Juan showed me how to write a bit. If you say things simply and slowly I can also understand a bit.”

Do you think you’ll be able to stand the pressure of having to win all the time?

“I know what I’ve let myself in for. I know all about that and by now I already know that people demand the best here and only winning counts. I’ll do everything I can to help Barça triumph.”

Barça didn’t win anything this season. Is that an added incentive to do well?

“Yes, it would be great if Barça could get back to winning ways next season. Barça was in with a chance of winning the league title right down to the last game. Next season, I hope we get off to a winning start and can achieve great things.”

How well do you think the Barça style of football suits your style as a goalkeeper?

“I believe my skills fit in well with Barça. There’s no other team that plays this way. I really enjoy playing this kind of football. I believe we go together perfectly and I want to prove that in the future.”

How would you define yourself?

“I’m very ambitious. I always want the best for the team and I work every day to achieve that. Both to improve personally, and help the team to improve.”

What are your strong and weak points?

“I get involved in the action and take a few risks. Nowadays, I think it’s become more common to run a few risks. That’s my style. Obviously, you can always improve and there are always areas you can progress in. And this is the best place to do that.”

You said in a press conference that Oliver Kahn has always been your number one. Why?

“I admire Kahn’s obsession with winning matches. In his case, he put winning for the team before his own personal performance. He was so important for Bayern and achieved one success after another. I think that this obsession with winning was his main virtue.”

What does it mean to take over from Valdés?

“He’s had some amazing years here and has won a lot of titles with Barça. He’s obviously left a big impression. He’s had some incredible moments here. He’s been a fantastic keeper and we should all take our hats off to him for what he’s done for the Club. But now there’s someone new and I’m looking forward to what has to come. Now there’ll be a very different player in goal. I’ll do things differently, but I hope to fit in well.”

And what do you think about the new manager, Luis Enrique?

“He did a lot for this team. He won a lot. I think his own experiences can bring a lot to the team. If you were never a successful player, it’s difficult to get some things across. So I think he’s the perfect man for the job.”

What do you think about playing alongside the likes of Messi, Iniesta, and Piqué?

“I’m lucky enough to be able to play in the team with the best players in the world. Better to play with them than against them. I think we’ve got great things ahead of us.”

Did Álvaro Domínguez (ex Atletico) or Juan Arango tell you anything about the Spanish league?

“They told me that people are football mad here. I’ve always been focused on what is important to me – and that’s football. I live for football. It’s always good to be informed but I don’t need too much advice. Alvaro told me stuff about Atlético and that’s good, but in the end it’s your own experience that counts. I’m looking forward to it.”

How does the Bundesliga differ from La Liga?

“Football in Spain is more stylish and faster. I can’t say much else yet as I haven’t played here, but it’ll be good to see it. It’s a pleasure to watch Spanish league matches.”

Have you got any football superstitions?

“Not really. I’m just a bit fussy about my gloves but that’s all. I’m a pretty normal person.”

What about your gloves if you don’t mind telling us?

“No, it’s nothing at all. It’s just that I take a lot of trouble to stop anyone else from wearing them. If I don’t have to wear them any more then it’s no problem. But if I still have to use them I prefer to keep them just for myself.”

You’re on Facebook, but not on Twitter or Instagram.

“Twitter is more popular here than in Germany. So is Facebook. It wouldn’t be bad for me to have a Twitter account and give the fans the chance to get to know me better.”

Did you talk to Alvaro about the match between Barça and Atlético?

“We had a last friendly match against Bergisch Gladbach. On the way back it was the first half and we watched it in the coach. We saw Barça’s goal. Alvaro was supporting Atletico. It’s a shame Barça didn’t win.”

What are your interests away from football?

“I’m trying to get as many licences as possible. But that’s it. I try and do things like brushing up my foreign languages.”

What licences do you mean?

“For stuff like sailboats and motorbikes.”

Source: FC Barcelona, Image: FCB, Miguel Ruiz
http://www.totalbarca.com/2014/intervie ... ore-158951

Indlæg: 18524
Tilmeldt: tors jan 25, 2007 9:50 pm
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af Blaugrana92 »

Jeg er fan.

Indlæg: 11425
Tilmeldt: man jan 12, 2009 1:06 pm
Geografisk sted: Lige ved og næsten
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af JonasV »

Jeg er ved at læse 'Et alt for kort liv', biografien om Robert Enke. Jeg har netop lige afsluttet det afsnit som beskriver hans tid i Barça. Uden at skulle drage dumme paralleller pga. nationalitet osv, så er det bare ret vildt at få beskrevet mere dybdegående hvor anderledes et job det er at være keeper i Barça, sammenlignet med alle mulige andre klubber. Håber virkelig MAtS klarer omstillingen godt!

Indlæg: 24
Tilmeldt: søn okt 27, 2013 12:46 pm
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af LeifDenLykkelige »

"Så er det bare slut med at male, bitch"

Indlæg: 21000
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
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Re: 1 - Marc-André ter Stegen

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Ter Stegen seen through German eyes

Jan Lustig, who writes for 'Kicker', describes Marc-André ter Stegen
in an article published in the latest issue of BARÇA MAGAZINE


Jan Lustig writes for German magazine 'Kicker' and particularly about Borussia Mönchengladbach. In the latest issue of BARÇA MAGAZINE he offers an in-depth analysis of Marc-André ter Stegen, Barça’s first signing for the 2014/15 season.

What follows is an English version of the Jan Lustig piece, which was originally titled ‘Talent and personality between the posts’:

There was something a little suspicious about what Marc-André ter Stegen said back in September 2011. The goalkeeper had just been promoted to the Borussia Mönchengladbach first team and had less than half a year’s Bundesliga experience when he was asked "What European club fascinates you?" Ter Stegen’s answer sounded like a declaration of love: “Without a doubt, FC Barcelona!”

It’s important to remember this reference when discussing the 22 year old’s transfer to FC Barcelona. When Ter Stegen said that "this is a dream come true … I didn’t think about any other options, I only wanted to come to FC Barcelona”, the words came from the bottom of his heart. It was indeed a dream come true.

From striker to keeper

But the move to Spain is a turning point for the young German. Until now, his whole life has been about ‘Borussia’ and ‘Mönchengladbach’. Mönchengladbach, a city of 250,000 people in the west of Germany, where Marc-André ter Stegen was born. Borussia where he played for 18 years. It was in 1996, when he was just 4, that his grandfather registered him for Borussia, when nobody had any idea what a great goalkeeper he was going to become, although what Ter Stegen really wanted to be was a striker. He played outfield right up to U17 level, but if ever there was no regular keeper available for a game, Ter Stegen would stand in. And he was so good as a substitute goalkeeper that he eventually changed position for good. “Looking back, that was the best decision I ever made”, remembers Ter Stegen.

But he has retained several facets of his former outfield position. He often comes out of his net to act as a kind of sweeper and he’s very safe with the ball at either of his feet and great for getting the ball forward. Those are the distinguishing factors of Ter Stegen as a goalkeeper. "It has always shown that Marc-André was once an outfield player", says goalkeepers coach Uwe Kamps, who not only worked with Ter Stegen in the first team but in the youth teams as well. "He has an incredible talent for anticipating situations, but that’s just one of his many qualities”. According to one of the top goalkeeping experts in Germany, Ter Stegen has no particularly weak points. He’s solid between the posts, a great shot-stopper and very hard to beat in the one-on-one. Ter Stegen is strong with his feet and oozes personality as a goalkeeper.

Stats show how important Ter Stegen was for Borussia. Since his Bundesliga debut in April 2011 against Cologne (5-1), Ter Stegen has been involved in 6,500 actions, more than 60 a game. More than 1,000 more interventions than the next goalkeeper in the Bundesliga ranking. "Ter Stegen is one of the best goalkeepers in the world. He’s very good with his feet ", said former Barça and current Bayern manager Pep Guardiola recently. Borussia Mönchengladbach manager Lucien Favre agrees that "Marc-André is one of the best keepers in the world and he’s still very young. The future is his”.

Young goalkeepers inevitably make mistakes as part of their learning process. His biggest was the own goal he scored when playing in goal for Germany against the United States last summer. And he made the same mistake in the domestic championship last year against Braunschweig. But what’s outstanding about Ter Stegen is his mental strength. Rather than letting these things affect him, he uses them to get better. “Marc-André has enormous mental strength. That’s what you need from a goalkeeper”, says Uwe Kamps. And Ter Stegen himself once said: "When I look at my mistakes, I feel happy about those experiences. Because I know that these things haven’t put me off and that I have always been able to perform again. The way I’ve dealt with these things makes me feel positive about the future”.

The private side of Marc-André

Talented, hard-working, disciplined, ambitious, self-confident and self-analytical – his former coaches use a wide range of words to describe Marc-André ter Stegen. But he’s not fond of discussing himself and his objectives and prefers to keep his private life behind closed doors. "I try to keep my private and professional lives separate, that’s important for me”, he says, and gives very little away about his life outside of football. The few things he has revealed are that he prefers to avoid parties and clubs and is more likely to go out to see a movie, to play with the Playstation, or study Spanish. And he almost always wears a new pair of gloves for every game. But he did go public at Christmas 2012, when he used to Facebook to start a search for his dog Bali, who got hit by a car. In a state of shock after the accident, the dog went off running and hundreds of Borussia fans helped him to look for Bali. But one day later, the dog came back to the house he shared with his girlfriend, Daniela, who is also coming with him to Barcelona. Although Ter Stegen seems serious and reserved to those who don’t know him, he is a nice lad with a great sense of humour, and who was always much admired among his Borussia team-mates. As Lucien Favre has said: “The team is losing a very important member, not just a great goalkeeper but also a great person".

Jan Lustig
http://www.fcbarcelona.com/football/fir ... erman-eyes


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